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Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan

The Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan was formally made by Council on 19 July 2022.

The Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and Stebbing Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Stebbing Parish and village. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

The Parish of Stebbing is located in the south of the Uttlesford District and is home to some 1,500 people. It is a uniquely situated village with a wide range of historic and modern buildings including the Grade I listed church of St Mary the Virgin.

The made plan

The Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [16MB] was made on 19 July 2022.

Key dates

Neighbourhood Area designated Uttlesford District Council (UDC): 8 June 2016

Pre-submission Public Consultation (Regulation 14): 1 October - 7 December 2020

Examiner appointed: 19 November 2020

Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16): 19 July - 28 September 2021

Examination (Regulation 17): Commencing in late 2021

Referendum: 23 June 2022

Neighbourhood Plan made: 19 July 2022

Neighbourhood plan area

Stebbing Neighbourhood Development Plan Area (PDF) [1MB]

The Parish of Stebbing was designated as the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Development Area under an Executive Decision by the Leader on 8 June 2016 (PDF) [1MB] .

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination Statement (under Regulation 9 and 11 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes 2004)

Uttlesford District Council has determined that the draft Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan is unlikely to result in significant environmental effects and therefore, does not require a Strategic Environmental Assessment. This statement also includes the reasons for this determination (in line with Regulation 11 of the SEA Regulations).

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination Statement (January 2021) (PDF) [1MB]

Pre-submission (Reg 14) Consultation

Stebbing Parish Council ran a consultation on their Regulation 14 Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan. This closed at noon on 7 December 2020.

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan - Notice of extended consultation period (PDF) [176KB]

The draft plan and the evidence base documents can be found on the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan website.

Submission public consultation (Regulation 16)

Stebbing Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Uttlesford District Council on 8 July 2021. Uttlesford District Council confirmed on 9 July 2021 that the Neighbourhood Plan submission complies with all the relevant requirements. 

Uttlesford District Council acknowledgement of submission of the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [132KB]

Following publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 20 July 2021, we extended the consultation on the submission draft of the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan by a two-week period. 

Consultation responses

As set out in the Updated Public Notice, the consultation started at 8:00am Monday 19 July 2021 and closed at 5:00pm on Tuesday 28 September 2021.

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Submission Focused Public Consultation (Regulation 16) responses (PDF) [14MB]

What happens next

Any representations made during this focussed consultation will be submitted to the examiner. The examiner has chosen to rely upon the written representations but could call a public hearing if it is beneficial to do so. The examiner will consider whether the plan meets the basic conditions, or whether further modifications need to be made for it to do so.

The NDP will need to fulfil the Basic Conditions, as required by Paragraph 8(1)(a)(2) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (inserted by the Localism Act 2011).

The examiner will also decide if the plan can proceed to the referendum stage.

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan submission documents

  Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan submission letter (PDF) [154KB]

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan submission draft (PDF) [12MB]

Stebbing Conservation Area Appraisal (PDF) [2MB]

Housing Strategy 2021-2026

Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Establishing the Full Objectively Assessed Need July 2017 (PDF) [1MB]

Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Affordable Housing Update July 2017 (PDF) [1MB]

Landscape Character Assessment (Chris Blandford Associates, September 2006)

Land West of Braintree Landscape & Visual Appraisal 2017 (PDF) [22MB]

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Appraisal (PDF) [297KB]

Heritage Assessment relating to the emerging Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [5MB]

Stebbing - the Prospect for Survival (The Stebbing Society, 1975) (PDF) [14MB]

Housing Needs Survey, Stebbing (RCCE, March 2015) (PDF) [12MB]

Rural community Profile for Stebbing Parish (RCCE, October 2013) (PDF) [1MB]

Local Green Space Designation - Information Sheet No. C20 (Open Spaces Society, 2015)

Local wildlife sites - Essex Wildlife Trust (PDF) [87KB]

Assets of Community Value - designation of Clubhouse runway and parking at Andrewsfield Airfield (PDF) [5MB]

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan consultation statement (Regulation 15) (PDF) [16MB]

Stebbing Site Appraisals (Urban Vision, April 2019) (PDF) [6MB]

Extant planning permissions in Stebbing Parish (PDF) [248KB]

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF) [687KB]


Appendix A - Field survey forms (PDF) [61KB]

Appendix B - Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Appraisal Criteria (PDF) [106KB]

Appendix C - Completed Landscape Sensitivity & Capacity Analysis pro formas (PDF) [5MB]

Appendix D - Figures maps and photographs (PDF) [10MB]

Appendix E - Local green space designation policy assessment (PDF) [9MB]

Examination (Regulation 17)

An Independent Examiner has been appointed for the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan.

Name of examiner: Ann Skippers BSc (Hons) MRTPI FHEA FRSA AoU

Date of appointment: 19 November 2020

The plan was submitted to the examiner in 2021.

The plan will be examined by the independent examiner who will take the representations made during the public consultation into account. 

Normally the independent examination will be conducted by written representations. However, if it is considered necessary, the examiner may invite interested parties to a public hearing to present their comments. This might be necessary to examine an issue in more depth or to ensure fairness.

The independent examiner will only consider whether the proposed Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions set out by law. The examiner will be considering whether the plan:

  • has appropriate regard to national policy
  • contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
  • is in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
  • is compatible with human rights requirements
  • is compatible with EU obligations

Following the examination, the examiner will issue a report. If the plan meets the basic conditions the examiner will recommend the plan proceed to referendum stage, or may suggest further modifications are needed. The examiner may conclude that the plan does not meet the basic conditions and therefore would recommend it does not go to referendum.

Examination documents

Examiner’s report on the Stebbing Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2033 (PDF) [423KB]

Decision statement

Following an independent Examination, Uttlesford District Council recommended that the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum.

Decision statement regarding Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan proceeding to referendum (PDF) [578KB]


A referendum took place on Thursday 23 June 2022 to decide whether the Neighbourhood Plan for Stebbing should be used to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (PDF) [16MB]

Find results from the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan Referendum, including specified documents and legal notices relating to the poll.

Making of the plan

At Council on 19 July 2022 the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [16MB] was formally made (the Neighbourhood Plan legislation's term for adopted) by the District Council as part of the Statutory development plan. 

The Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan now sits alongside the Uttlesford Local Plan Adopted 2005. Should planning permission be sought in areas covered by the adopted neighbourhood plan, the application must be determined in accordance with both the neighbourhood plan and the Local Plan.

Decision statement to make the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [700KB]

Read the press release; the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan is formally 'made'.


Additional information

Stebbing Village Neighbourhood Development Plan website

Stebbing Parish Council - An introduction to neighbourhood planning