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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Protecting and enhancing our environment

We will protect and improve our environment by reducing our carbon footprint, promoting biodiversity, managing waste and recycling, and supporting green initiatives.

Corporate Plan - PROTECTING



Take action on climate change

What we will do

How we will do it

How we will measure it

Clearly set out and publicise our priorities for the coming years to meet our net zero by 2030 pledge, including reducing emissions from our vehicle fleet and corporate buildings

We will implement the new Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan (PDF, 275 KB) that details the projects we will focus on during the year. These will support work to reduce carbon emissions

We will monitor successful completion of activities with the action plan and provide quarterly updates on progress

We will publish a Carbon Management framework and plan by December 2024 to track carbon emission reduction in council operations, including energy, fuel and water consumption

Reduce direct emissions from council housing stock. This includes new-build homes being planned/developed.

We will install clean-air heating solutions and develop measures to retro-fit homes to improve sustainability and contribute towards meeting the 2030 net zero pledge

We will submit a bid to the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (on GOV.UK) with the aim of improving the environmental performance of c.200 of our housing stock. Subject to a successful bid we will commence the decarbonisation project in quarter 1 of 2024/25


Deliver sustainable ways of working across the council to reduce the carbon impact of business activities

We will develop and deliver carbon literacy training for all staff to support embedding sustainability and climate change into ways of working across the council

We will set up a Sustainability and Climate Action Board to lead delivery of the council's climate action plan across all parts of the organisation and commence work to develop a corporate Carbon Management Plan

Training will be developed and piloted to the first staff cohort by May 2024


We will set up the new Board in April 2024 and review its effectiveness after 12 months

Provide community leadership and enable local action on climate change

We will review the Zero Carbon Communities Grant fund to agree a revised scheme to support delivery of community projects that are focused on carbon emission reduction and biodiversity restoration or enhancement

A proposal for a revised grants scheme for community groups will be agreed by June 2024 subject to approval of the scheme, applications will be submitted by December 2024 and a decision made in the early part of 2025

July 2024 priority update

The 24/25 Climate Change Action Plan has been approved. The bid to the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund was successful and as a result around 200 homes will be improved to EPC rating C through the coming months. A decarbonisation survey has been undertaken on key council assets of London Road and Canfield which will provide evidence for a future decarbonisation plan for those sites.

Carbon literacy training is being developed although has not be delivered by the May 2024 date. Instead, it is likely to be rolled out in the summer. This minor delay is not considered significant enough to warrant rating overall progress in this priority as amber. The Sustainability and Climate Action Board has been established as per the timescales and its first meeting was held in April.

Other activities in this priority area are scheduled for later in the year.


Manage waste in a sustainable way

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it

Work with partners across Essex on a new waste strategy for the county

Following national policy, we will treat the waste and recycling we collect as a resource. We will contribute to the development of the new Waste Strategy for Essex 2024-2055 (on which will determine how we will manage waste for the next generation

We will play an active role in the development of the county-wide strategy through attendance at appropriate meetings and forums, ensuring the views of this district are taken into account. We anticipate the strategy being approved in the summer of 2024

Review our domestic recycling and waste services to make sure they are as efficient as possible and review and improve our waste service for businesses

We will conduct a detailed review of all our waste and recycling services through the change programme Blueprint Uttlesford to ensure they are operating efficiently and effectively

The review of Environmental Services is scheduled for 2024/25. In the meantime, support from national charity the Waste Resources Action Programme has been sought to explore potential improvements

July 2024 priority update

The new Waste Strategy for Essex (on has been drafted and public consultation was completed in the early part of the year.

A revised version of the strategy has now been produced and due to considered by all councils across Essex between July and September with a view to adoption. The new strategy will set out aspirations that may be built into our own service delivery strategies and plans. This will provide this council the opportunity to review its current services and policies. This work is being rolled into the Blueprint Uttlesford review of Environmental Services.

A workshop was held in early May to start exploring the emerging issues with members.


Conserve and enhance the quality and diversity of the district's natural habitats and wildlife

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it
Fulfil our bio-diversity duty by using the planning system to conserve, enhance and create new ecological habitat

We will support and promote the public consultation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Uttlesford, to ensure widespread reach and engagement

We will manage council land and property using environmentally friendly practices that will promote biodiversity

We will develop robust planning polices as part of the Local Plan relevant to habitat protection, enhancement and creation

We will require and monitor biodiversity net gain in relation to new development and ensure the council has access to specialist advice from a qualified ecologist

We will promote the consultation, which is due to be published in early 2024 through our communication channels to drive engagement among district residents

We will identify and deliver projects on our own estate and publish our progress and achievements by March 2025

We will fully consider Regulation 18 consultation responses and use them to draw a Regulation 19 version of the plan for consultation in July 2024

Biodiversity net gain data will be monitored for every major planning decision from January 2024 with a rolling target of 100% of schemes to include biodiversity net gain

July 2024 priority update

The Planning Department is now requiring bio-diversity net-gain details at the point of validating new planning applications and assessing relevant applications against bio-diversity net-gain requirements. The emerging Local Plan is also bringing forward ecological policies in order to achieve this priority.

Several sites have been selected to trial alternative grounds management regimes with the aim of improving biodiversity. Work to produce a more formal 'rewilding and biodiversity' plan for our own sites will commence later in the year. It will involve some consultation with town/parish councils and residents to maximise the chances of success and ecological improvements.


Work with partners to deliver sustainable transport

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it

Steer development to the most sustainable locations using the Local Plan and via planning decisions



Deliver the active travel and shared transport pilot schemes in Saffron Walden as part of the DEFRA funded Clean Air project, to build evidence to support roll out of schemes elsewhere in the district

Develop a spatial development strategy and robust planning policies as part of the Local Plan in order to support sustainable travel

EV Car Club scheme was launched in November 2023 and uptake will be monitored and evaluated through 2024 as part of the 2-year trial period

We will complete the Plan by March 2024 and following consultation will develop from it a priority list of schemes for investment during 2024/25

Work with Essex County Council and other stakeholders to promote and facilitate sustainable, reliable, and adaptable transport infrastructure

Complete the Uttlesford Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan


July 2024 priority update

The Electric Vehicle Car Club scheme was expanded to 2 locations in Saffron Walden. The bike hire scheme was launched in spring, enabling residents and visitors to use electric or traditional bikes from several hubs in Saffron Walden.

The aim of the scheme is to help reducing car usage in the town centre and improve air quality. Uptake in relation to both schemes will continue to be monitored. A community cargo bike scheme has been introduced at the Market Square in Saffron Walden, allowing residents and business access to a larger bike designed to carry a small load.

A number of studies relating to sustainable transport have been carried out, including a Local Cycling and Walking Plan, and will now inform the emerging Local Plan and future schemes. This is in accordance with the programme.


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