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One-off Health and Wellbeing Grant: guidance

Guidance and further information on how to apply for a One-off Health and Wellbeing Grant.

Please read the guidance notes fully.

Applications will be refused if questions have not been adequately answered, nor appropriate explanations given.


Uttlesford has a vibrant voluntary and community sector, and the Health and Wellbeing Board has traditionally provided grant fund for organisations and activities to deliver services within the district.

What the Health and Wellbeing Board is seeking to achieve

This fund will provide grants up to a value of £5,000, which support the priorities in the Health and Wellbeing Board. The board's priorities are to:

  • improve and support mental health and wellbeing
  • enable people to live healthy active lifestyles
  • build healthy resilient, active communities
  • Alleviate pressures associated with increased cost of living
  • improve access to services and facilities

Award framework

All grant decisions will be made based on the set of principles set out in this guidance, and within the agreed budget approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Funding for the one-off grants will be for a maximum of one year.

The Health and Wellbeing Board cannot guarantee to fund the maximum amount applied for and therefore organisations must ensure that they have procedures in place to cover the balance of funding required.

The Health and Wellbeing Board will not pay a grant unless the organisation can demonstrate that the balance of the funding is available.

The Health and Wellbeing Board reserves the right to terminate funding agreements with the notice period set out in the grant agreements.


All applicant organisations must:

  • be non-profit making, constituted organisations
  • have the legal right to carry out the proposed project/activity
  • have a bank account with a minimum of 2 signatories. None of the signatories should be related by family or by marriage, nor should they be co-habiting


Funding restrictions

The council will not fund:

  • retrospectively (this is activities that have already taken place)
  • projects, services or activities that promote religious or political beliefs. We do however welcome applications from faith groups if the project is for the benefit of the wider community
  • individuals
  • capital expenditure (capital spend relates to the purchase or improvement of assets, which have a useful life in excess of 12 months)
  • organisations in the performance of their statutory obligations or already in receipt of funds to support this community in Uttlesford that is, double funding


Required documentation

Following submission of an application form, applicants will be required to submit the following documents to evidence their eligibility:

  • constitution/terms or reference/operating document
  • business plan (if available)
  • most recent annual report and accounts
    Bank statements may be accepted for smaller organisations, but they must be consecutive and cover the last 6 months.
  • insurance details
    Insurance evidence must be current and cover the activities the application is seeking to fund.
    The evidence must clearly state the organisational details and show indemnity levels, particularly public liability cover if applicable.
  • Health and Safety policy
  • safeguarding risk assessment detailing any risks you have identified in delivering the project (e.g. safeguarding, funding, staffing) and any mitigation in place to guard against them
  • up-to-date safeguarding policy and evidence of staff training with your application along with DBS numbers of staff delivering the project or service

    If the purpose or the project, service or activity relates or involves or may reasonably involve working or contact with children, young people, or vulnerable adults then the organisation needs to comply with the Safeguarding if Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 in respect of staff, volunteers and other persons engaged with the purpose of the project, service, or activity.
  • DBS numbers for relevant staff involved in delivering the project

    For the council to ensure that those staff working for organisations are suitable for positions of trust, we request either copies of certificates, or individuals DBS numbers, for verification purposes.

    The council fully complies with the DBS Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage retention and disposal of certificates and certificate information, such as DBS numbers.

Please ensure all mandatory enclosures are included with the application.

Applications received without these enclosures will not be considered.


Projects must be delivered, and funding claimed within a specified period with clearly defined beginning and end dates. These should be set out in the application for funding (successful applicants should be prepared to commit to these dates in a funding agreement).

Funding will normally be paid after the work has taken place or via staged payments against agreed milestones. Copies of all invoices must be provided to support funding claims.

All grants will be recorded on the transparency page of the council's website at the end of each financial year.

If the recipient/organisation wishes to dispose of buildings/facilities that have been the subject of a grant, then it will be required to inform the Health and Wellbeing Board in writing of the proposal.

The Health and Wellbeing Board reserves the right to require full or part repayment of the grant, following any such disposal of the building/facility.

Membership of the organisation making the application must be open to all and no exclusions made.

The Health and Wellbeing Board needs to ensure that consideration is given to the Equalities Act 2010 and the 9 protected characteristics.

The Health and Wellbeing Board reserves the right to inspect the building/facility (at its discretion).

The books and accounts of the recipient must be made available, if required, for examination by the council prior to the grant being made.

Where a grant is provided by the Health and Wellbeing Board, it must be clearly shown in the accounts of the recipient.

Where appropriate, such as where the project affects the whole community, applicants are required to discuss their scheme with their relevant town or parish council and submit the comments of that council with their applications.


Deadline for applications

The deadline for applications is midday on Monday 10 March 2025.

Any additional supporting information must be submitted by email to: 

Application questions

Question 1: details about your organisation

a. Name of organisation

b. Contact details (address, telephone number, website)

c. Type of organisation (for example registered charity, community interest company, limited company)

d. Confirmation of number of full-time staff, part-time staff, trustees and volunteers

e. Please provide a brief statement relating to your organisation's vision, aims and objectives

Question 2: Health and wellbeing priorities

a. Which health and wellbeing priorities will your project or service support?

b. The Health and Wellbeing Board has 3 sub-groups. Which age group does you project support?

c. How will you measure the impact of your project or service?

d. Is this project supported by either a parish council or an elected member (district councillor or parish councillor)? If yes, please provide details

Question 3: grant requested

a. Please state the total amount of grant requested

b. Will this project or service be financed from any other income? If yes please provide details

c. Will the project be delivered in collaboration with other community and voluntary sector organisations?

Question 4: project/service detail

a. Please describe the project or service the grant will fund

b. How many people will benefit from this project?

c. How many of these will be Uttlesford residents?

d. When will this project or service conclude?

Question 5: skills, knowledge and experience

a. Please tell us what experience, knowledge your organisation and its staff have in this field?

b. You can also include example outcomes of a successful pilot or evidence of the success of an existing/previous programme

Document checklist

Please provide copies of the following as supporting documentation with your application.

A copy of your:

  • constitution/terms or reference/operating document
  • business plan (if available)
  • most recent annual report
  • safeguarding policy and evidence of training
  • DBS numbers for staff involved in delivering the project.
  • safeguarding risk assessment
  • Health and Safety policy
  • insurance certificate and schedule



Further information

If you need any further help or information you can contact the Communities team.


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