Our vision is to make Uttlesford the best place to live, work and visit.
This plan sets out the vision and priorities of Uttlesford District Council for the next 4 years. It also outlines how the council will deliver its services, measure its performance, and manage its resources in a challenging and changing environment.
We want to:
Preserve and enhance the natural beauty and rural character of our district, while supporting sustainable growth and development that meets the needs and aspirations of our communities.
Provide high quality and accessible services that are responsive to local needs and deliver value for money.
Work with our partners and residents to tackle the key challenges and opportunities facing our district.
Putting the plan into action
This corporate plan says that we will:
develop annual service plans that detail how each service area will contribute to the corporate priorities
monitor and report on our performance against key indicators and targets on a quarterly basis
review our financial position regularly and ensure effective budget management and control
engage with our stakeholders, including residents, businesses, partners, staff and councillors on a regular basis
review this corporate plan annually and update it as necessary to reflect changing circumstances
Our four-year plan will be put into action during challenging financial times in which we need to reduce our budget by around 25 percent.
To achieve our vision we have 4 strategic priorities that will guide our work over the next 4 years.
We will protect and improve our environment by reducing our carbon footprint, promoting biodiversity, managing waste and recycling, and supporting green initiatives
We will support and promote a vibrant and diverse economy by attracting investment, facilitating business growth, enhancing skills and employability, and improving connectivity and infrastructure
We will deliver excellent services for the benefit of our residents by ensuring budgetary stability and value for money, embracing new technology and developing our workforce