Planning appeal - Land between Walden Road and Newmarket Road Great Chesterford
Core documents and appeal details for the planning application for land between Walden Road and Newmarket Road Great Chesterford.
⚠ This appeal has been withdrawn.
Outline planning application (with all matters reserved excepted for means of access from Walden Road and Newmarket Road) for residential development of up to 350 dwellings, including a Heritage Park including historical interpretation boards and heritage trail and other public open space, up to 50sqm of shop and café floorspace (Use Class E/F), sustainable urban drainage system and associated infrastructure
You can find full details of the outline proposal on our planning portal.
Details and documents for planning application reference UTT/22/2997/OP
You can find full details of the appeal on our planning portal.
Appeal details and documents for appeal reference 24/00078/REF
You can also find details of this appeal case on the Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal.
This appeal has been given the reference APP/C1570/W/24/3347808. To find this case on the portal you will need to enter the seven digit reference number 3347808