Tenant satisfaction measures: how our tenants think we're doing
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) tell us how residents whose homes or buildings we manage rate our performance and how well we are doing.
Tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) help to show how well social housing landlords, such as Uttlesford District Council, are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
This information can help our tenants to review our performance as a landlord and to hold us to account. We must show the results of our surveys.
We will also use the TSM information to continuously develop and improve our services.
We must report on 2 types of TSMs:
- Tenant perception measures (TPMs)
- Management information measures (MIs)
You can read the full definitions of the tenant satisfaction measures on GOV.UK.
Tenant perception measures (TPMs)
12 TSMs are measured by landlords carrying out tenant perception surveys.
Tenant satisfaction survey
In the autumn of 2023 we commissioned an independent market research company to carry out a tenant satisfaction survey.
What we asked our tenants about | Percentage of satisfied tenants2023 to 24 |
TP01: Overall satisfaction | 81% |
TP02: Satisfaction with repairs | 80% |
TP03: Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair | 77% |
TP04: Satisfaction that the home is well maintained | 78% |
TP05: Satisfaction that the home is safe | 86% |
TP06: Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them | 66% |
TP07: Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them | 85% |
TP08: Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect | 83% |
TP09: Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling complaints | 44% |
TP10: Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained | 81% |
TP11: Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods | 71% |
TP12: Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling anti-social behaviour (ASB) | 70% |
Management information measures (MIs)
There are 10 MIs across 4 areas. They are collected in landlord and management data.
Description of standard | Percentage / number |
RP01: Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard A decent home: definition and guidance on GOV.UK | 13.5% |
RP02: Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale | 82.7% |
RP02: Emergency repairs completed within target timescale | 92.2% |
BS01: Gas safety checks completed | 99.8% |
BS02: Fire safety checks completed | 100% |
BS03: Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out | 100% |
BS04: Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk management assessments have been carried out | 100% |
BS05: Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out | 100% |
CH01: Number of Stage 1 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (number of complaints per 1,000 properties) | 39 |
CH01: Number of Stage 2 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (number of complaints per 1,000 properties) | 5.3 |
CH02: Stage 1 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales | 46.3 |
CH02: Stage 2 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales | 13.3 |
NM01: Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (number of cases per 1,000 properties) | 13.1 |
NM01: Anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents, relative to the size of the landlord (number of cases with hate incidents per 1,000 properties) | 0.3 |