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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Types of fraud and corruption

There are many different types of fraud. Here is how to recognise some of them.

We will actively investigate allegations of all  types of fraud, corruption, theft, bribery and money laundering.

Covid-19 Business Support Grants

In March 2020 the government announced a scheme to support businesses during the coronavirus pandemic by giving them grants of either £10,000 or £25,000.00 depending on their size. 

The money was given to local authorities to distribute. To be allowed to receive a grant, businesses had to have been liable for paying business rates to their local council as of 11th March 2020.

Business rates are a form of tax paid by businesses to their local authority, and are based on the size of the properties they trade from.

They may be some individuals, businesses or organised fraudsters who have targeted this support scheme as an opportunity for personal gain. 

Examples include:

  • businesses which were not trading on 11th March 2020 but have claimed a grant.
  • setting up a fictitious business to claim a grant
  • making false claims about what sector a business operated in, in order to qualify to be paid a grant
  • impersonating a legitimate business or pretending to be a member of their staff to claim a grant

Other forms of Covid-19 Support Scheme Fraud 

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has administered other relief schemes to provide support to businesses and the self-employed during the coronavirus pandemic.

These are often referred to as furlough payments. The names of the schemes administered by HMRC are:

  • The Job Retention Scheme 
  • The Self Employment Income Support Scheme 
  • Statutory Sick Pay Support for employers
  • The Eat Out To Help Out Scheme 

You can report fraud involving these schemes on GOV.UK or by telephoning on 0800 788 887.

Housing Benefit or Local Council Tax Support fraud

We will actively investigate allegations of fraud in respect of:

  • Housing Benefit
  • Local Council Tax Support
  • Income Support / Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Invalidity / Incapacity Benefit

Further information on benefit or Local Council Tax Support fraud can be found on our Benefit Fraud page.

Contact us about benefit or Local Council Tax Support fraud

You can report concerns or suspicions directly relating to Benefit or Local Council Tax Support fraud on our fraud reporting from.

Or you can call our Revenues Fraud Team on 01799 510366.

You can also report benefit Fraud on the GOV.UK website or by calling the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440.

Housing tenancy fraud

We will actively investigate allegations of tenancy fraud which include:

  • tenants obtaining a council house using false information
  • not living at their council property - subletting it
  • falsely obtaining the right to buy

Further information on Housing Tenancy Fraud can be found on our Tenancy Fraud page.

You can report any concerns or suspicions directly relating to housing tenancy fraud on on our fraud reporting from.

Contact us about tenancy fraud

You can report any concerns or suspicions directly relating to Housing Tenancy Fraud to our Housing Officers on 01799510510 or to the Enforcement Team on 01799 510545.

Council Tax fraud or evasion

We will actively investigate allegations of Council Tax fraud which include:

  • claiming Council Tax single persons discount when another person is living at a property
  • not telling the council of a change in circumstance which may affect your council tax reduction benefit
  • claiming reliefs and discounts that you are not really entitled to, like student exemptions

Contact us about Council Tax fraud

You can report any concerns or suspicions directly relating to Council Tax fraud on on our fraud reporting from.

Or you can call our Council Tax Fraud Team on 01799 510366 or 01799 510397.

Bribery or corruption

We will actively investigate allegations of bribery or corruption where anyone acting for or on behalf of the council:

  • gives, promise to give, or offer a payment, gift or hospitality with the expectation or hope that a business advantage will be received, or to reward a business advantage already given
  • gives, promise to give, or offer a payment, gift or hospitality to a government official, agent or representative to facilitate or expedite a routine procedure
  • accepts payment from a third party that is known to be, or suspected to have been, offered with the expectation that it will obtain a business advantage for them
  • accepts a gift or hospitality from a third party if it is known to be, or suspected to have been, offered with an expectation that a business advantage will be provided by the Council in return
  • retaliates against or threaten a person who has refused to commit an act of bribery or who has raised concerns under this policy

Contact us about bribery or corruption

If you suspect a serious case of bribery or corruption, you can report this directly to:

The Internal Audit Manager on 01799 510610 or the Monitoring Officer on 01799 510416.

Other types of fraud

  • Falsification of qualifications
  • Falsification of overtime or expenses claims
  • Falsification of flexi-time sheets
  • Remaining on sick leave but working elsewhere
  • Bogus insurance claims - people falsely claiming injury as a result from a trip or falls on council property


  • Using their position to influence the award of contract
  • Securing a job for a family member
  • Use of council plant and equipment for non-council work and personal gain
  • Accepting gifts or hospitality in return for favours


Theft of council property including:

  • plant and equipment
  • furniture
  • depot and office supplies such as stationery, photocopying paper, envelopes, computer software and hardware

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