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Business rates

Information on how to pay your business rates, tell us about a change or claim a discount.

Business rates or nonĀ­domestic rates is how business properties contribute towards the cost of local services.

Under current business rates retention arrangements, authorities keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally. This provides a direct financial incentive for authorities to work with local businesses to create a favourable local environment for growth.

The business rates money collected, together with revenue from council tax payers and certain other sums, is used to pay for the services provided by local authorities.

Pay your business rates

Find out how and when to pay your business rates, there are a number of convenient payment options.

Manage your business rates account

Set up direct debit, check your account, tell us about a change or register for paperless billing.

Register for business rates

Every business in the district needs to register with us for business rates.

Business Rates Relief

Some business properties can claim discounts from the council on their business rates. This is called 'business rates relief'. Further details are provided here and in the business rates section on GOV.UK.

How are my rates calculated?

Find out about who decides your business rates and how they are calculated.

What happens if I don't pay my business rates?

Information on our recovery and enforcement procedures and what could happen if you don't pay your business rates.

Business Improvement Districts

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are partnerships set up to improve particular commercial areas.

Business rates revaluation 2023

The VOA regularly reassess and update the rateable values of all business properties usually every five years. This is called a Revaluation and a new list, which will come in on 1 April 2023.