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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Housing service standards

The standards that you can expect from our Housing Service.

We are committed to delivering high-quality services at all times. In order to achieve and maintain excellent customer provision in our Housing Service, we have developed a series of service standards in consultation with our tenants and service users.

The standards are split into 4 sections:

  • tenant involvement and empowerment
  • home
  • tenancy
  • neighbourhood and community

Although they are not structured in the same way, we have grouped our standards in relation to the specific services we provide, they reflect the specific required outcomes and expectancies of a housing provider detailed in the Regulatory Framework. As detailed in the Localism Act (2011), responsibility for the regulation of the standards is focused at a local level. Performance issues will be resolved by us through our complaints procedures and scrutiny arrangements.

We believe the standards are realistic so you can expect us to meet them. We will use them to monitor the performance of our services so that we can identify any areas that we need to improve.

Where you feel that we haven't met the required level of service, we will provide opportunities for you to tell us.

Contacting the Housing Service

Our Customer Charter tells you the level of service you can expect when contacting the Housing Service.

Complaints, comments and compliments about Housing Services

We welcome all comments about our service and use them to improve the way we do things.

Complaints, compliments and feedback on housing services

Compliments, suggestions and complaints about our other services

Contact us

Housing Service
Uttlesford District Council
London Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 4ER

Tel: 01799 510510


Service standards

Each key service area within our Housing Service has a series of service standards that are adopted and applied in its day-to-day activities. These apply to services we provide as well as those provided by another partner or agency on our behalf.

We will regularly measure our performance against these standards and take action if necessary.

We want to:

  • be polite and treat you with courtesy, fairness, honesty and respect
  • make sure that our services are accessible to everyone
  • listen to you carefully and use plain English when we speak or write to you
  • explain our decisions and the reasons for them
  • respect confidentiality

How we provide our standards

We will do our best to provide services and information in ways that make them accessible for everyone, including the provision of:

  • an interpreter face to face or over the phone, including a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter
  • information in a number of formats on request, for example, audio tape, Braille, large print or an appropriate language, as quickly as possible
  • a text phone number - 18001
  • public meetings in accessible venues and the use of an induction loop or other suitable system for deaf and hard of hearing people
  • our aim is to have contact details provided in all our published documents

Visiting you

If we visit you we will:

  • normally agree a time with you in advance and if not, we will be happy to return at another time if our visit is not convenient. If necessary, we will let you know as early as possible if we are delayed or have to cancel the visit.
  • say who we are, where we come from and why we are calling. We will show you our identity card before you invite us in.
  • give you the opportunity to make a phone call to check our identity before we come in (please do not let anyone into your home unless you know them or have checked their identity).

If you visit us

If you visit us:

  • we will aim to see you within 5 minutes of your appointment time. It is very helpful if you arrive a few minutes early and let us know if you are delayed or have to cancel
  • if we are delayed, we will explain why, tell you how long you may have to wait and give you the option of coming back on an alternative day and time
  • we will provide a clean, tidy and comfortable waiting area, with information about our services and, where possible, facilities for children
  • whenever possible, we will provide a place to discuss matters in private, if you wish

Your responsibilities

We work hard to provide you with the best possible customer service. However we will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse or damage to our properties.

Such circumstances are very rare but our staff are not expected to stay in situations at any time where they feel threatened:

  • either verbally or physically
  • for their own safety, that of colleagues or members of the public

How you can help us

You can help us by:

  • being patient; there are times when we're very busy and you may have to wait to see someone.
  • providing the information we ask for; if you delay it will take us longer to deal with your application.
  • telling us straight away if your circumstances change at all

Additional information

If you are one of our tenants or leaseholders you can find additional information in the:

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