Consultation and feedback
How to complain or tell us when we have done something well. You can also find details of all our main consultations and any petitions that have been submitted to us.
Social housing complaints: make things right
Your housing should be safe, secure and well maintained. If you have an issue with your landlord, it's now easier to make things right.
How we consult with you
How to have your say in local decisions and what we are doing to make it easier for you to respond to consultations
Current consultations
Here you can find all of our current consultations
Closed consultations
Details all the recent consultations that have taken place across the district
What a petition is, how you can submit one and how you can expect your petition to be dealt with
Compliments, suggestions and complaints
We are committed to listening to, considering and learning from feedback we receive from you
Complaints, compliments and feedback on housing services
You can tell us if you have a complaint, a compliment or you just want to give us feedback about our housing service or any repairs we've carried out