Contact us
How to contact us when we are open and what to do when we are closed.
Contact Uttlesford District Council
Complete an online enquiry form
Telephone: 01799 510510
Textphone Users: 18001
Contact us on Twitter
Contact us on Facebook
Uttlesford District Council
Council Offices
London Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 4ER
More information on how to find our Saffron Walden offices.
When we are open
⚠ On the last Wednesday of every month our telephone lines in Saffron Walden and Live Chat will be open from 10am, rather than 8.30am.
Customer service centre
Our customer service centre is open for telephone, email and Live chat enquiries.
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 4.30pm
Reception area
The reception at the London Road Offices in Saffron Walden is open 5 days a week.
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
We are not able to take any cash payments at the reception desk.
When we are not open
If your call is outside normal working hours we have an emergency service.
Out of hours repairs to council properties
Telephone: 01799 510510 and then press 2 for Uttlesford Norse
Out of hours other emergencies
Telephone: 01799 510510 and then press 3 for our emergency call handling service
We aim to provide you with a high-quality service and welcome all feedback about the services that we provide and how they could be improved.
Stay informed
You can stay informed on all council service updates via our dedicated webpage, by following us on Facebook or Twitter (search UttlesfordDC), or by signing up for our regular e-newsletters.