Your council
Elections and voting
The latest elections and results of past elections. Find out how to register to vote and where your polling station will be
Councillors and MPs
Find out who your MPs, district, county and parish councillors are and how to contact them.
Consultation, compliments and complaints
How to complain or tell us when we have done something well. You can also find details of all our main consultations and any petitions that have been submitted to us
Meetings, agendas and minutes
Find who makes council decisions and how they are made, when meetings will be held and the minutes and reports from past meetings. You can also see information on how you can get involved in council meetings
About the council
Information about the Uttlesford district, the plans, policies and strategies that we use, how we make information available to you and our management team
Council budgets and spending
Details of our current and past revenue budget and capital programmes, statement of accounts and reports from our external auditors. We also publish quarterly reports of items or services bought by us that cost over £250
Council media and news
Read our latest news and find out about the work of the communications team. We also have an archive of our recent press releases
Data protection and FOI
How we look after your data and what to do if you want to see the information we hold about you
Jobs and careers
We're a vibrant local authority responsible for providing services to the 90,000-strong population of Uttlesford. Find out about all of our latest jobs and apply today!