Pay your rent
Pay your rent online, set up a direct debit or contact us directly with a payment query.
Homeless or at risk
Get help if you are homeless or at risk of losing your home
Report a repair
Report a problem with a council home or communal area in a block of flats owned by us
Apply for council housing
Find out how to apply for the housing register (Home Options) for a council or housing association home
Council tenants and leaseholders
Find how to report a repair, about maintaining your home or how to apply for adaptations due to a disability or health related problem. Also information on how to purchase your council home or swap it for another house
Housing and homelessness support
Get help and advice from us if you're homeless or about to lose your home
Improving your home
Help and advice on applying for grants to repair your home, make it warmer or if you need to adapt it for someone who is disabled
Private housing
Information for tenants and landlords on privately rented accommodation.
Services for older people
Information on some local services to help and support older people.
Rent a council garage
We have approximately 400 garages throughout the district that you can rent
Housing policy and strategy
Find out about the cost of housing in the district, community led housing projects and how you can start your own self build. Also our housing strategy and local studies
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code: self assessment
Our annual assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code
How we perform as a landlord
What Uttlesford District Council does as a landlord and how well we are doing compared to tenant needs and national standards