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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Climate change and biodiversity

Earth western hemisphere

As a council we have pledged to take local action to prevent a climate and ecological catastrophe through the development of practices and policies, with an aim to achieving net-zero carbon status by 2030 and to protect and enhance bio-diversity in the district.




The council and climate crisis

We have declared a climate and ecological emergency and are acting now to prevent a climate and ecological catastrophe

Achieving net-zero carbon status by 2030

We have committed to achieving net-zero carbon status by 2030

Climate Crisis Strategy

We've agreed a new strategy and action plan that sets out how we will address local climate crisis issues over the coming decade

Our corporate carbon footprint

Find out about our carbon footprint, what we're doing to reduce it and read our annual greenhouse gas emissions reports

Saffron Walden Clean Air Project

Our Clean Air Project, aimed at creating a 'cleaner, healthier and greener' environment, will be delivered across all businesses, schools, and residents in Saffron Walden.

Essex Climate Action Commission

The Essex Climate Action Commission has been set up to advise us about tackling climate change


Climate change links and resources from other organisations around the world.

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