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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Contact details for NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Local Planning Authorities

Planning Authorities - please note that for all planning applications and consultation on local plans and related policy guidance to the NHS as statutory consultees please e-mail:

NHS Property Services Ltd; Essex Support Team will co-ordinate the applications and respond accordingly on behalf of NHS England - Essex Area Team and the relevant CCG.

This excludes the Minerals and Waste Planning. These should be sent to the Consultants in Public Health.

The contacts, available from the Downloads box on the right of this page, should be communicated with if there are any specific matters that require action related to planning or health facilities within a local authority area. The contact details will be updated twice a year (January and July). If in the meantime you are aware of any changes, please contact the website administrator.

Please Note - any consultation or engagement made pursuant to the statutory Duty to Co-operate for Plan-making should be made to the relevant authority's Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Consultant in Public Health contact and also copied to NHS Property Services.



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