Equality and Health Impact Assessments
We carry out equality and health impact assessments on the services we deliver.
We carry out equality and health impact assessments on the services we deliver, our policies, functions, strategies and procedures as part of the work on equality for local government. This includes existing policies, new policies or those which are being changed.
The Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EqHIA) is a legal requirement under the Equality Act 2010 and aims to improve the work of the council by making sure it does not discriminate in the way that it provides services and employment and that, where possible, it does all it can to promote equality and good relations for the community and various minority groups. Assessments accompany key decisions and many can be found on the council's committee system.
Targeted assessments
EqHIA - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024-25 (PDF) [200KB]
EqHIA on the General Fund Budget and Council Tax 2023-24 (PDF) [1MB]
EqHIA on rent and service charge setting 2022 - 2023 (PDF) [703KB]
EqHIA on the General Fund Budget and Council Tax 2022-23 (PDF) [908KB]
EqHIA on the Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Policy (PDF) [418KB]