Equality and Health Impact Assessments
We carry out Equality and Health Impact Assessments on the services we provide.
About Equality Health Impact Assessments (EqHIAs)
We use Equality Health Impact Assessments (EqHIAs) to check the possible impact of our policies and proposals on everyone who might be affected by them.
Our assessments have to be based on good evidence and include a plan showing how we will do things in as fair a way as possible.
EqHIAs are published with the papers for Cabinet and Council policy decisions and on our annual budget proposals.
EqHIA - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024-25 (PDF) [200KB]
EqHIA on the General Fund Budget and Council Tax 2023-24 (PDF) [1MB]
EqHIA on rent and service charge setting 2022 - 2023 (PDF) [703KB]
EqHIA on the General Fund Budget and Council Tax 2022-23 (PDF) [908KB]
EqIA on the General Fund Budget 2020-21 (PDF) [172KB]