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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Rent a council garage

We have approximately 400 garages throughout the district that you can rent.

We are not taking any new applications for garages as we currently have a very long waiting list.


You can rent a garage for your vehicle or use it for storage.

About the garages

Our garages are suitable for small to medium vehicles.

There's a lot of demand for council garages, so we have a long waiting list.

Before you start

From 1 April 2024 it costs:

  • council tenant  - £13.54 per week
  • private resident - £16.25 per week

You'll need to tell us:

  • your name and contact details
  • what you'll be using the garage for

The garage can be used for storage, but we cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of anything that you keep there. You can't store inflammable materials or liquids.

You can choose where you want to rent a garage. You can select a maximum of 3 preferred locations.



Closed to new applications.

If you have already applied

We'll write to you when we have a garage available at any of your preferred locations.

Rental conditions

If you're offered a garage to rent you'll need to sign a garage tenancy agreement. This sets out our rights and responsibilities and your rights and responsibilities.

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