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Polling stations and polling districts

When elections are scheduled, this page provides information on the polling stations within the Uttlesford District.

A polling station is the building where you can go to vote in person.

We'll tell you where your polling station is for each election when we send you your polling card.

Polling station information

Information about polling stations, what ID you'll need to show when you go to vote and help for voters with disabilities.

Opening times

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on polling day.

Voter ID

From May 2023 electors are required to show an accepted form of photographic identification to cast their vote in person at a polling station. Find out what are accepted forms of photo identification.

If you don't already have an accepted form of photo ID, or you're not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you, you can apply for a free voter ID document know as a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC).

Access for voters with disabilities

We try to make sure that all polling stations in the district are accessible and have a variety of services to support voters with disabilities.

The Returning Officer endeavours to ensure that all polling stations are accessible for all voters by providing and ensuring a range of measures:

  • disabled access - either ramp or separate entrance flat level access to the building
  • large print version of the ballot paper on display and a handheld version is available from the polling staff to offer to anyone on request
  • a magnifier is available - just ask the polling staff
  • a low-level polling booth for ease of wheelchair use
  • tactile voting device which has braille and embossed numbers that correlate to the ballot papers
  • pencils will be available with a rubber grip to help anyone with a writing disability like arthritis
  • chairs will be provided for anyone who needs to sit whilst they wait to cast their vote or after voting
  • we encourage voters to bring and use their own personal aids to see and read the ballot paper easier, which could be on your mobile phone or other electronic device
  • voters can be accompanied by a companion - this can be anyone aged 18 or over, for example a carer

Our staff are there to help you and will offer any assistance to you.

If you have any specific needs or just want to check about the polling station, you can contact us in advance.

Support for voters with disabilities

The Electoral Commission has issued 2 guides to support voters:

Voter ID: supporting blind and partially sighted people to vote in the 2023 English local elections (PDF) [184KB]

Voter ID: easy read guide for people with learning disabilities (PDF) [1MB] . This guide tells you everything you need to know about photo ID for the local elections.

The Electoral Commission have also provided videos in British Sign Language (BSL) about the voting process including registering, types of ID, applying for a Voter Authority Certificate and what will happen at the polling stations. 

Giving information to tellers

As you leave the polling station you may be asked for the number on your polling card by a teller. They are not part of the official polling station staff - they are volunteers working for the candidates. They use this information to check who's voted so they can remind those who haven't to do so.

They are not acting in any official capacity so you don't need to give them any information if you don't want to.

If you are concerned about the conduct of a teller, speak to the Presiding Officer at the polling station.

Get more information about tellers from the Electoral Commission.


How we decide where to have a polling station

We are required to revise the polling arrangements in the district.

We last looked at this in 2019 when we published a list of all the polling places and details of any changes. This is called a  Revised Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places [262.21KB] and came into effect from 31 January 2020.  You can see details of the full review and how we decided where to have polling stations at the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee meeting on 13 January 2020.


The next formal review of Uttlesford's Polling Scheme will take place from 1 October 2023.

View the Polling Place Review 2023/24 and find out how you will be able to submit your comments.

What is on your polling card is always the correct venue for polling day as sometimes we have to move away from a previously approved venue for availability reasons.

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