Current consultations
Here you can find all of our current consultations.
You are welcome to respond to any of our current consultations.
Applications made under the Licensing Act 2003
View the current applications for premises licences and comment on them.
Planning applications
Search for planning applications and comment on them.
Other consultations
Service area/Directorate Climate Change
Consultation Saffron Walden Clean Air Survey
Take part in our clean air survey to tell us about what you think about using a wood burner or open fire and how this affects the air quality in Saffron Walden.
Consultation period Monday 20 January to Friday 7 February 2025
Further information
Saffron Walden Clean Air survey
Service area/Directorate Business
Consultation Takeley and Little Canfield parking consultation
If you live in Takeley or Little Canfield this is your chance to give us your views on some proposed options for dealing with airport-related parking.
Consultation period Monday 13 January to Friday 14 February 2025
Further information
We are required to review and consult on any changes to car parking and are proposing possible options for:
- main roads and bus routes
- residential streets
Takeley and Little Canfield parking consultation
Consultation Currently nominated Assets of Community Value
Community groups can nominate an asset. This will then be considered by the Assets of Community Value and Local Heritage List Committee.
Further information
More information on the currently nominated assets.
Please feedback your comments on any currently nominated assets to