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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Children & Families group

The Children & Families group works to promote good support services to families in Uttlesford.

Having a good start in life with supportive parents and being encouraged to become involved in a wide range of activities are also important to children and young people to develop aspirations and achieve their potential.

Providing good support services to families early on will help prevent problems, stresses and challenges escalating and to facilitate agencies to work together to plan, commission and deliver services.

Uttlesford Children & Families group has adopted the West Essex Children's Partnership Board (WECPB) priorities which are to:

  • protect children and young people from harm
  • provide early help and starting well
  • invest in young people to play an active and full role in society

These priorities are linked to local needs and the overarching Essex Children and Young People's Plan.

Children & Families in partnership

Projects and resources

Effective support for children and families in Essex

The Effective Support guide is for everyone who works with children and young people and their families in Essex.

It provides guidance on the way we can all work together, share information, and put the child and their family at the centre, providing effective support to help them solve problems and find solutions at an early stage to prevent problems escalating. There may be times when the needs of the family are such that intensive or specialist statutory intervention is required.

Read the Effective Support guide.

Improving the reading levels of Year 6 students

The group is currently conducting a project aimed at improving the reading levels of Year 6 students.

Working alongside the charity School readers, and with support from Volunteer Uttlesford, the project provides volunteers who listen to children read in schools on a 1-2-1 basis. So far, 26 volunteers have given up their time to help improve the literacy of local children, although there is capacity to do more.

Find out how you can help on the School readers website.

Uttlesford Foodbank

Uttlesford Foodbank provides emergency food and care parcels to individuals and families during times of crisis. We operate out of our warehouse in Saffron Walden and have collection points for clients in Saffron Walden, Dunmow, Thaxted and Takeley.

More about Uttlesford Foodbank.

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