Report graffiti
Tell us about graffiti on things like public buildings, monuments, benches and bins.
Graffiti is illegal and spoils both public and private property and can be very costly to remove. Graffiti is words or drawings, that are written, painted, sprayed or scratched on the surface of any property.
Who to contact
We are not responsible for cleaning all of the graffiti in the district.
Graffiti on Uttlesford District Council property
If you find any graffiti our our buildings or land you can report the details to us.
Or you can contact us directly.
- Tel: 01799 510545 or 01799 510594
- Email:
Graffiti on other property
You should report graffiti to the owner of the property it's on:
- bus stop shelters - report it to Essex Highways
- road signs - report it to Essex Highways
- BT telephone boxes - email
- billboards (also called advertising hoardings) - report it the billboard company
- post boxes - report it to Royal Mail
- churches - contact the church or diocese directly
- construction hoardings - use the contact details displayed on the hoarding
- war memorials - contact the local town or parish council
Report graffiti to the police
You should report illegal graffiti to Essex police so they can investigate it.
Check who owns the land
Sometimes you may find a problem on land that is not our responsibility. You can search The Essex Property Asset Map (EPAM) to find information on property assets across owned by Essex County Council, other district councils, unitary authorities, Department for Transport and schools.