Members' allowance scheme for 2024-25
Here you can find out about the allowances councillors will get during 2024-25.
All councillors receive the basic allowance unless they request otherwise. Special responsibility allowances, such as that of the Chair of the Council, are paid to those who hold responsibility for these positions.
Allowance | Amount |
Basic Allowance | £5,727.16 |
Chair of the Council | £4,581.73 + civic expenses |
Vice Chair of the Council | £2,290.86 |
Leader of the Council | £14,031.54 |
Deputy Leader of the Council | £7,445.31 |
Portfolio holders | £7,004.89 |
Overview/Scrutiny and Ordinary Committee Chairs | £4,009.01 |
Chair of Licensing and Environmental Health Committee | £4,009.01 |
Licensing Panel (paid in addition to other SRA's) | £264.59 (to be paid in a municipal year when at least ten meetings of the Committee take place in a purely regulatory capacity; a payment will be made to members attending at least 50% of those meetings). |
Chair of Planning Committee | £5,727.16 |
Members of Planning Committee | £1,145.43 |
Substitute members of the Planning Committee (paid in addition to other SRA's) | £132.30 (subject to attending 5 meetings per municipal year, or 50% of meetings in a municipal year). |
Main opposition group leader | £4,009.01 |
Other opposition group leader | £2,290.86 |
Independent representatives on the Standards Committee | £572.72 |
Independent representatives on the Statutory Officer Discipline and Dismissal Panel | £572.72 |
Panel members of Independent Remuneration Panel | £572.72 |
Explanatory notes about how the Special Responsibility Allowances are calculated
Chair of the Council - 80% of the basic allowance
Vice-Chair of the Council - 40% of the basic allowance
Leader of the Council - 245% of the basic allowance
Deputy Leader of the Council - 130% of the basic allowance
Members of the Executive - 122.31% of the basic allowance
Chair of Overview, Scrutiny and Ordinary committees - 70% of the basic allowance
Chair of Licensing and Environmental Health Committee - 70% of the basic allowance
Licensing Panel members - 4.62% of the basic allowance, to be paid in a municipal year when at least ten meetings of the Committee take place in a purely regulatory capacity; a payment will be made to members attending at least 50% of those meetings. *
Chair of Planning Committee - 100% of the basic allowance
Members of the Planning Committee - 20% of the basic allowance
Substitute members of the Planning Committee - 2.31% of the basic allowance, subject to the substitute member attending 50% of Planning Committee meetings, or 5 meetings in the municipal year whichever threshold was reached first. *
Leader of the largest opposition group - 70% of the basic allowance
Leader of all other opposition groups - 40% of the basic allowance
Independent members of the Standards Committee - benchmarked to 10% of the basic allowance.
Independent members of the Statutory Officer Discipline and Dismissal Committees - benchmarked to 10% of the basic allowance.
* Paid in addition to other Special Responsibility Allowances.