Why we need to have investments
Like other local authorities, we have had to look at new ways in which to generate income as a result of the ongoing reductions in funding we receive from central government.
We have a commercial asset portfolio to generate income to enable us to provide our core services. We need additional income because of reductions in our financing from central government. Government also restricts our ability raise income by increasing Council Tax.
Investment programme
Our original 2021 Commercial Strategy had a vision of us undertaking the investments in order to become self-sufficient. This would mean that we would not be reliant on government funding. The changes introduced by government and CIPFA in the Prudential Code For Capital Finance In Local Authorities (2021) now makes that vision unachievable.
Our Commercial Strategy 2024-2029 (PDF) [2MB] sets out what we now hope to archive with our investment programme.
Every investment opportunity follows a due diligence and governance process. This includes consideration by an Investment Board, which has two independent members. The final decision is ultimately taken by all councillors at a meeting of Full Council.
We also have an Ethical Investment Policy (PDF) [202 KB].
How we spend the investment income
The income from these investments will be used to help to fund the services that we provide on a day to day basis.
Find out more about how we fund our services and where we'll be spending the money in the 2023/24 council budget.