Behavioural framework
We want to provide high quality and accessible services that are responsive to the local needs and deliver value for money and to work with our partners and residents to tackle the key challenges and opportunities facing our district.

Why we use behaviours
The Behavioural Framework (PDF, 191 KB) clearly defines and describes the behaviours required by a member of staff to be successful and fully effective.
Behaviours are key to effective and exceptional performance. They should be both observable and measurable and assessed through the performance process and through one-to-one discussion.
Behaviours help enable the manager and staff member to consider whether objectives have been achieved and to review the way they have been carried out.
Completing a self-evaluation of current performance against a behavioural framework can help individuals to identify and prioritise specific areas for development and is useful in preparation for one-to-one discussion.
What we mean by behaviour
Behaviours demonstrate the attitudes and approach we take to our work.
They are:
- how we do things
- how we treat each other
- what we say and how we say it
- how we expect to be treated
- how we work together
- our approach to our work
We basically ask you, as an employee, to treat others as you would wish to be treated.
How will this work
The Behavioural Framework (PDF, 191 KB) is based on the UDC UNITED values - 'united as one district to deliver our promises' and provides the benchmark against which your performance will be assessed during the appraisal process (U-Perform) and your one-to-one meetings with your manager, by using the relevant behavioural self-evaluation form.
Understanding our service users and environment
We will put our service users and environment at the heart of all we do.
New ways of working
We will work smarter by being innovative and creative regarding how we deliver services.
Integrity and trust
We say what we do, and we do what we say.
Together we work as One Council with our partners to achieve better results for our service users.
Equity and fairness
We will treat everyone fairly, with respect and dignity, responding sensitively to individuals.
Delivering value for money
We will continuously review how we deliver services to reduce costs and respond to council priorities.
Each value has three levels of behaviour which relate to job roles.
These behaviours have been designed so that they reflect the various levels that employees would be expected to work at.