Pay a section 106 charge
How to pay a s106 charge.
Planning obligations or Section 106 agreements (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) are legal agreements that are sometimes attached to a planning permission to make the development acceptable in planning terms or restricts what can be done with land following planning permission being granted.
There are a number of ways that you can pay a s106 charge.
Pay by telephone
If you would like to pay over the phone please call us on 01799 510510 and then press 1 for payments.
You'll need:
- your s106 payment reference number. You can find this on the letter that we have sent you
- a debit or credit card
Pay by internet banking
If this facility is available through your bank please follow the instructions already provided by your bank.
You'll need
Your s106 payment reference number. You can find this on the letter that we have sent you.
Our bank details.
Bank: Barclays Bank
Address: Leicester LE87 2BB
Account name: Uttlesford District Council - General Account
Sort code: 20-74-21
Account number: 30999520
IBAN: GB44BARC20742130999520