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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Information for Ukrainian guests: finances, benefits and food support

Finance, benefits and food support information for Ukrainian guests staying in Uttlesford.

Finances and benefits

Ukrainian nationals can claim benefits as soon as they arrive in the UK.

If you're a Ukrainian living in Uttlesford and need more advice about benefits, please contact our Benefits Team.

Claiming benefits

Under state pension age (under 66 years old)

Universal Credit is a monthly payment to help with living costs for people on a low income under state pension age. It can also help with the cost of renting a property.


Apply for Universal Credit on GOV.UK

If you have questions about how Universal Credit works you can speak to Universal Credit Full Service, Telephone: 0800 328 5644. You can also speak to Citizens Advice Help to claim, Telephone: 0800 144 8444. The government has information including how to claim and how you're paid Universal Credit.

Retirement age (66 or over)

If you're retirement age (66 or over) you may be eligible for:

Setting up a bank account

To receive Universal Credit and other benefits, you will need to open a bank account.

Citizens Advice

You can get advice on issues including benefits, employment, immigration, debt and legal advice from Citizens Advice . They also offer a help to claim scheme that can support people to apply for benefits.

Food banks

Food banks can provide you with free food and other essential items. Uttlesford Foodbank provides emergency food and care parcels to individuals and families during times of crisis. We operate out of our warehouse in Saffron Walden and have collection points for clients in Saffron Walden, Stansted, Dunmow, Thaxted.

Get a foodbank referral

You will need to be referred to the foodbank.

You can contact Uttlesford Citizens Advice on 01799 618840 and leave a message so they can call you back, or you can email them (can sometimes be quicker).

If you call or email Uttlesford foodbank who can talk through your situation and put you in touch with a relevant local agency.

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