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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.


The maximum amount of Housing Benefit or Local Council Tax Support awarded takes into account if there are also non-dependants living in the same household.

Extra people in your property

Other adult people living in your property are known as non-dependants. A non-dependant is someone over 18 who normally lives with you but is not your partner or a dependant child.

If you have a non-dependant living in your property you may have a set weekly amount deducted form you Housing Benefit and Local Council Tax Support for each non-dependant.

A deduction will not be made if you or your partner:

  • gets Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance care component or
  • is registered blind

No deductions are made for non-dependants who are:

  • under 18
  • a full-time student
  • under 25 and in receipt of any of the below
    • Universal Credit with no earned income
    • Income Support (IS)
    • Income Based (IB) Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
    • Income Related (IR) Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) assessment rate phase
  • in receipt of pension credit
  • in prison
  • in hospital for more than 52 weeks


Boarders and sub-tenants

If the person living with you is a boarder or sub-tenant, they are not counted as a non-dependant but some of the money that they pay you may count as your income.

Non-dependant Rates 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 - Housing Benefit

Non-dependant income information - aged 18 or over and in remunerative work

Deduction rates

Gross income less than £176.00


Gross income not less than £176.00 but less than £255.99 per week


Gross income not less than £256.00 but less than £333.99 per week


Gross income not less than £334.00 but less than £444.99 per week


Gross income not less than £445.00 but less than £553.99 per week


Gross income over £554.00 per week


In receipt of Pension Credit


In receipt of Main Phase ESA(IR) under 25 years old


In receipt of JSA(IB) or IS or in assessment phase of ESA(IR) until 25 years old


Aged 25 or over and on IS/JSA or in receipt of main phase ESA(IR)


Others aged 18 or over



Non-dependant Rates 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 - Local Council Tax Support

Non-dependant income information - aged 18 or over and in remunerative work

Deduction rates

Gross income less than £256.00 per week


Gross income between £256.00 but less than £445.00 per week


Gross income not less than £445.00 but less than £554.00 per week


Gross income over £554.00


In receipt of Pension Credit


In receipt of Main Phase ESA(IR) under 25 years old


In receipt of JSA(IB) or IS or in assessment phase of ESA(IR) until 25 years old


Aged 25 or over and on IS/JSA or in receipt of main phase ESA(IR)


Others aged 18 or over



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