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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Benefit calculators

A selection of independent, free and anonymous benefits calculator to check what you could be entitled to and give you an estimate of:

  • the benefits you could get
  • how much your benefit payments could be
  • how your benefits will be affected if you start work or increase your hours
  • how your benefits will be affected if your circumstances change - for example, if you have a child or move in with your partner


Find out what you might be able to claim enter your details and you'll receive an estimate of your entitlement to benefits. Before you start, collect together information about your income, savings, pensions and existing benefits for you and your partner, if you have one.

Entitledto calculator


Use the benefits calculators on GOV.UK  to find out:

  • the benefits you could get
  • how much your benefit payments could be
  • how your benefits will be affected if you start work or increase your hours
  • how your benefits will be affected if your circumstances change - for example, if you have a child or move in with your partner

Benefits calculators - GOV.UK

Money Helper

Answer four simple questions for a quick estimate of how much you could boost your income by each month.

Money Helper calculator


Millions of people are missing out on thousands of pounds. Check what you are entitled to now.

Turn2us benefits calculator

Policy In practice

Through just a few simple steps you can see how much benefit you are eligible for and how much better off you might be in work. You can also see how changes in your household budget can affect your income. You can use the calculator for free, but if you want to save and compare calculations, you need to set up an account.

Better off calculator

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