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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Report benefit fraud

Uttlesford District Council fraud investigators actively investigate allegations of fraud in respect of any of the following benefits:

  • Housing and Council Tax Benefit
  • Income Support / Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Invalidity / Incapacity Benefit

Report someone of benefit fraud?

Use our online reporting form to give us information about the suspected fraud. All the information you provide will be treated as confidential.

Report fraud

Types of fraud

It is the responsibility of every claimant to notify the Council of any change in their circumstances so that their entitlement to benefits may be reassessed.

This change must be notified immediately in writing, supplying any proof appropriate.

Working and claiming
Claimant is employed full- or part-time and has not declared the income to the Council.

Living together
Claimant applies for benefit as a single person and fails to declare that a "partner" lives in the household.

Non-disclosure of capital or understatement in earnings or income
Claimant fails to declare ownership of another property.
Claimant receives rent from another property.
Claimant fails to declare cash savings.
Claimant declares less earnings than they actually receive.
Claimant deliberately works less hours prior to claim review.
Claimant gives up work to claim benefit.
Claimant fails to declare some, or all, bank or building society accounts, share certificates etc.

False or contrived tenancy
Claimant is not resident at given address.
Landlord is parent or other relative.
Landlord does not exist.

Failure to notify a change of address
Claimant neglects to report they have moved whilst continuing to receive benefit.
Claimant makes second claim for benefit simultaneously.
Claimant arranges for a redirection of mail to a new address.

Overstatement of rent
Claimant artificially inflates the alleged rent figure to increase benefit entitlement.

Claim by homeowners
Owner-occupier increases their income by falsely claiming to be the tenant at the given address.

Landlord agrees to inflate the rent payable in order to increase the claimant's benefit entitlement and arranges to split the proceeds.
Claimant and landlord set up a fictitious tenancy purely for benefit purposes.
Landlord agrees to confirm continued residence after claimant moves.
Employer agrees with employee to reduce the amount of gross income that goes "through the books" thereby increasing the claimant's entitlement to benefit and reducing the employer's and employee's liability to National Insurance and tax.

Non-dependant residing
Claimant must notify the Council that a non-dependant is resident in the property.

Uttlesford District Council fraud policy

Council Tax, Business Rates & Local Council Tax Support Counter Fraud Policy (PDF, 310 KB)

Council Tax and Housing Benefit Penalty Notices

The Council can impose a penalty on you for failing to supply information, supplying false information, or failing to notify the relevant Council department regarding a discount, exemption or empty homes premium.

Find out more about  including the fines and recovery procedures. 

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