Comment on a premises licence application
Find and respond to current applications for a premises licence.
Anyone can have a say about licensing decisions - you can comment on an application for a new licence or a variation to an existing licence by writing to us.
Any premises selling alcohol, providing regulated entertainment, or providing late night refreshment to the public requires a licence (such as pubs, supermarkets, takeaways).
Comment on a licence application
Anyone applying for a licence has to advertise their application in a local newspaper and put a notice outside their premises for 28 days.
If you want to comment, you must do so within 28 days of the consultation starting - we'll tell you when this when we publish the application. Your comments must not be vexatious or frivolous and should relate to one of the 4 licensing objectives:
• the prevention of crime and disorder
• public safety
• the prevention of public nuisance
• the protection of children from harm
Your comment may be rejected if it is not considered to be relevant to any of the licensing objectives, or if it is considered as being vexatious or frivolous (lacking seriousness or minor).
You should refer to our Licensing Act Policy (PDF, 872 KB) and the Revised guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 on GOV.UK for more information.
Make a comment
You can comment on a licence application using our online form.
Or you can write to:
Licensing, Uttlesford District Council, London Road, Saffron Walden CB11 4ER
Applications for a premises licence
None at present
Applications to vary a premises licence
None at present