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Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.


Uttlesford District Council has 39 councillors, representing 22 wards. Uttlesford District Council is controlled by the majority group, Residents for Uttlesford. The Leader of the Council is Cllr Petrina Lees and Cllr Martin Foley is Council chair 2024-2025.

The 39 seats are currently broken down like this:

  • 22 - Residents for Uttlesford 
  • 11 - Conservative Party 
  • 4 - Liberal Democrat 
  • 2 - Uttlesford Independent Group 

Your councillors

Details of all your councillors, including what their contact details are, their register of interests and any committees they belong to.

View your councillors:

Cllr Jubeyuir Ahmed

Cllr Jubeyuir (Melon) Ahmed
Saffron Walden Shire
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Alex Armstrong

Cllr Alexander Armstrong
Great Dunmow North
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Heather Asker (Saffron Walden Castle)

Cllr Heather Asker
Saffron Walden Castle
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Geoff Bagnall (Takeley)

Cllr Geoff Bagnall
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Susan Barker

Cllr Susan Barker
High Easter and the Rodings
Conservatives logo

Cllr Nick Church

Cllr Nick Church
Stansted South & Birchanger
Conservatives logo

Cllr Mark Coletta

Cllr Mark Coletta
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Arthur Coote (Saffron Walden Shire)

Cllr Arthur Coote
Saffron Walden Audley
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Christian Criscione (Flitch Green & Little Dunmow)

Cllr Christian Criscione
Flitch Green and Little Dunmow
Conservatives logo

Cllr John Davey

Cllr John Davey
Great Dunmow North
Conservatives logo

Alan Dean (Stansted North)

Cllr Alan Dean
Stansted North
Liberal Democrats logo

Cllr Bianca Donald

Cllr Bianca Donald
Elsenham & Henham
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Geof Driscoll

Cllr Geof Driscoll
Broad Oak and The Hallingburys
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Judy Emmanuel

Cllr Judy Emanuel
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr John Evans

Cllr John Evans
Felsted and Stebbing
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Chloe Fiddy

Cllr Chloe Fiddy
Saffron Walden Shire
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Martin Foley (Thaxted and the Eastons)

Cllr Martin Foley
Thaxted and the Eastons
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Richard Freeman (Saffron Walden Castle)

Cllr Richard Freeman
Saffron Walden Castle
Residents for Uttlesford logo


Cllr Ray Gooding
Stansted South & Birchanger
Conservatives logo

Cllr Neil Gregory

Cllr Neil Gregory
Littlebury, Chesterford and Wenden Lofts
Uttlesford Independent Group logo

Cllr Neil Hargreaves

Cllr Neil Hargreaves
Deputy Leader
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Richard Haynes

Cllr Richard Haynes
Thaxted & The Eastons
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Petrina Lees

Cllr Petrina Lees
Elsenham and Henham
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Mark Lemon

Cllr Mark Lemon
Hatfield Heath
Conservatives logo

Cllr Janice Loughlin

Cllr Janice Loughlin
Stort Valley
Liberal Democrats logo

Thomas Loveday-Great Dunmow South and Barnston

Cllr Thomas Loveday
Great Dunmow South and Barnston
Conservatives logo

Stewart Luck (Debden & Wimbish)

Cllr Stewart Luck
Debden and Wimbish
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Chris Martin-Great Dunmow South & Barnston

Cllr Chris Martin
Great Dunmow South & Barnston
Conservatives logo

Cllr Daniel McBirnie

Cllr Daniel McBirnie
Saffron Walden Shire
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr John Moran

Cllr John Moran
Leader of the Conservative Group (main opposition)
Conservatives logo

Cllr Edward Oliver

Cllr Edward Oliver
Conservatives logo

Cllr Richard Pavitt

Cllr Richard Pavitt
Leader of the Uttlesford Independent Group
Littlebury, Chesterford and Wenden Lofts
Uttlesford Independent Group logo

Cllr Alex Reeve

Cllr Alex Reeve
Saffron Walden Audley
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Neil Reeve (Broad Oak & The Hallingburys)

Cllr Neil Reeve
Broad Oak and the Hallingburys
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Brian Regan

Cllr Brian Regan
Great Dunmow South and Barnston
Conservatives logo

Cllr Geoffrey Sell

Cllr Geoffrey Sell
Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group
Stansted North
Liberal Democrats logo

Cllr Richard Silcock

Cllr Richard Silcock
Felsted and Stebbing
Liberal Democrats logo

Cllr Maggie Sutton

Cllr Maggie Sutton
Residents for Uttlesford logo

Cllr Mike Tayler

Cllr Mike Tayler
The Sampfords
Residents for Uttlesford logo

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