Uttlesford District Council has 39 councillors, representing 22 wards. Uttlesford District Council is controlled by the majority group, Residents for Uttlesford. The Leader of the Council is Cllr Petrina Lees and Cllr Martin Foley is Council chair 2024-2025.
The 39 seats are currently broken down like this:
- 22 - Residents for Uttlesford
- 11 - Conservative Party
- 4 - Liberal Democrat
- 2 - Uttlesford Independent Group
Your councillors
Details of all your councillors, including what their contact details are, their register of interests and any committees they belong to.
View your councillors:
- by political party
- by ward
- full list of contact details
- attendance records at meetings
- committee structure
- who are representatives on outside bodies

Cllr Richard Pavitt
Leader of the Uttlesford Independent Group
Littlebury, Chesterford and Wenden Lofts