Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP)
If you are struggling to pay your rent then you may be able to receive extra help by applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP).
You can claim a DHP if you already get Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit, but need more help to meet your rental costs.
For more information about how we award DHPs, you can read our Discretionary Housing Payment policy (PDF, 184 KB).
The amount of Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) funding available each year is extremely limited and once it has all been allocated no further awards can be made. Although Uttlesford District Council carefully considers all applications, it may not be possible to award any or all of the help that an applicant may like.
You can apply for a DHP to help towards your rental costs if you already get:
- Housing Benefit
or - Housing element of Universal Credit
Examples of the factors to be taken in to consideration are listed below. However, this list is not exhaustive.
- Age and Disability
- Late stages of pregnancy
- Children approaching GCSE and A Level exams
- Medical treatment that cannot be easily obtained elsewhere
- Social Services Involvement
- Ability to retain existing employment
- A reasonable ability to be able to move to cheaper, alternative accommodation
How much is awarded and the period of any award will depend entirely on the individual circumstances. Each case is looked at separately and assessed on its own merits.
All DHP awards end on the 31 March each year at the latest. If a person wishes to be considered for any further payments a new application would need to be made.
An application for DHP will normally only be accepted in writing using the Uttlesford District Council Discretionary Housing Payment Application form and should be accompanied by evidence in support of the claim.
Discretionary Housing Payment application form (Word doc, 82 KB)
Discretionary Housing Payments Application - Editable PDF (PDF, 525 KB)
Please return your completed forms to Uttlesford District Council, Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden CB11 4ER or email to benefits@uttlesford.gov.uk.
Evidence required
When you make a claim for a Discretionary Housing Payment you will need to supply evidence to support your claim.
Photographs or screenshots of documents are accepted by email, or you can bring the originals to the council offices and we will take the details we need to and give you the documents back straight away. If you do not provide all the evidence we need we might not be able to pay you any support. We need the same evidence for your partner, if you have one, and or any other adults living in your home.
If you are unable to provide the evidence we need at the moment, you may still be able to send in an application and send the evidence later.
Below are some examples of acceptable documents to support your claim.
Evidence of identity
We must see evidence of you and your partner's identity and National Insurance number. If you or your partner are asylum seekers, you must provide your current Home Office letter.
Examples of evidence include your birth certificate, marriage certificate, passport, National Insurance number card, medical card, driving licence, UK residence permit, current Home Office letter, EU identity card or recent gas or electricity bill. We may need to see several of these documents for each adult resident in your home.
Evidence of National Insurance number
Acceptable evidence would be a National Insurance number card, payslips or letters from social security or the tax office.
Evidence of savings, investments and property
Acceptable evidence would be letters from your bank, building society or post office books, full bank statements, or certificates for premium bonds, National savings Certificates, ISAs Tessas, stocks and unit trusts. The evidence you send must show details for at least the last 2 months, even if the balance is overdrawn.
People who have more than £16000 in capital are not eligible to receive support (although special rules apply to people of pension age). Capital includes money, property, land also held outside the United Kingdom.
Evidence of Earnings - for you, your partner and any other adults resident
This means your last 5 payslips if you are paid every week, your last 3 payslips if you are paid every 2 weeks, or your last 2 payslips if you are paid every month. We can send a form to your employer to fill in if you do not have these payslips.
If you or your partner are self-employed, we need to see your accounts for the last financial year or, if you have been trading for less than 6 months, a summary of your trading records so far.
Evidence of other income
Acceptable evidence examples are pension slips from a former employer or a letter from the court showing how much maintenance you are getting. We need to see evidence of any money people pay you for board and lodgings.
Evidence of benefits, allowances, tax credits, pension credits or pensions, for you, your partner and any other adults resident in your home.
Acceptable evidence would be a current award notices or letters from the Department for Work and Pensions or HMRC confirming how much you get. If you do not have evidence, let us know straight away.
Evidence of other money paid out
Acceptable evidence would be letters about student grants or maintenance, or agreements or receipts from registered carers.