Emergency Response Plan
The council's plan outlining how we will respond in the event of an emergency.
We are designated as a Category 1 organisation by the Civil Contingencies Act. This imposes some civil protection duties upon the us in connection with emergency planning and business continuity management.
If an emergency occurs
We have a duty to cooperate with the emergency services and provide additional support when required.
The Uttlesford District Council Emergency Response Plan (PDF) [1MB] explains how we'll respond to a wide range of emergencies and major incidents.
This can include, but is not limited to:
- major fires
- industrial accidents
- flooding
- pandemics
- major gas leaks
- terrorism
We also have a number of other plans which we will use. These include our:
- Local Rest Centre Plan
- Corporate Business Continuity Plan
Other supporting plans
There are also a number of plans which cover the whole of Essex.
Combined Operating Procedures for Essex (COPE) on the Essex Resilience Forum
Multi-Agency Flood Plan (MAFP) for Essex
The Essex Recovery Guide
Additional information
► Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Policy
► Preparation and planning for emergencies: responsibilities of responder agencies and others - information from GOV.UK