Live flood alert information and advice on flooding.
Find out if you're at risk of flooding
You can check GOV.UK to see you if you are:
- At immediate risk of flooding by checking flood warnings and river and sea levels
- At risk of flooding in the next five days
- In an area that's likely to flood
If flooding is likely
GOV.UK provides flood risk help and advice - Prepare for a flood
We cannot provide you with sandbags or individual help to protect properties.
You can buy sandbags and sand from most DIY stores and builders merchants. Find out how to use sandbags to prepare for a flood on GOV.UK.
If you are a council tenant and you are concerned about water coming into your property, please contact us.
Report flooding from a sewer or a burst water main
Two companies, Anglian Water and Thames Water, are responsible for sewers in the district. Call:
Anglian Water Services on 03457 145145 (24 hour)
Thames Water Utilities on 0800 316 9800 (24 hour)
Affinity Water is responsible for supplying water. To report a burst or damaged water main call:
Affinity Water on 0345 357 2407 (24 hour)
More about sewers and land drainage.
Additional information
► Flood risk help and advice - Prepare for a flood
► Getting help during or after a flood - advice on GOV.UK
► View the current flood situation in England on GOV.UK
► Sign up for flood warnings on GOV.UK