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Stansted Airport

Stansted Airport is the major transport hub in the Uttlesford District.



Summary of recent applications for development at Stansted Airport.

Proposals for two new taxiway links, six additional remote aircraft stands and three additional aircraft stands (UTT/18/0460/FUL)

Airfield works comprising two new taxiway links to the existing runway (a Rapid Access Taxiway and a Rapid Exit Taxiway), six additional remote aircraft stands adjacent Yankee taxiway); and three additional aircraft stands (extension of the Echo Apron) to enable combined airfield operations of 274,000 aircraft movements and a throughput of 43 million terminal passengers, in a 12-month calendar period.

Full details of UTT/18/0460/FUL

Proposals to increase use of existing airport (UTT/0717/06/FUL)

Stansted Airport has planning permission for expansion from 25 million passengers per annum (mppa) to 35 mppa. This was granted by the Secretary of State on 8 October 2008 following a public inquiry.

Full details of UTT/0717/06/FUL

The Airport Commission's interim report

This report was published on 17 December 2013.The Commission has said that there is a need for at least one net additional runway in London and the South East by 2030.

Airports Commission's interim report 17 December 2013 on GOV.UK.


Night flying restrictions

The government restricts night flights at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted in order to limit the impact of night noise on local residents. It does this principally by imposing movement and noise quota limits for each winter and summer period at each of the airports. 

Night flight restrictions at Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted on GOV.UK.

On-street airport related car parking

Stansted Airport Limited operates a service for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking.

Report airport related car parking

Stansted Airport information

Port Health - information on hygiene of the terminal, aircraft water supplies and general food hygiene standards.

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