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Report on-street airport related car parking

Stansted Airport Limited has an online form that you can use to report suspected on-street airport related car parking.

If you are concerned about fly parking in your area and believe that it is due to people who are using Stansted Airport, you can report the issue to the Stansted Area Transport Forum.

How to report an on-street parking issue

You can report an airport related on-street car parking issue using the form on the Stansted Area Transport Forum website.

Report parking issue

Before you start

You'll need to provide information, including:

  • your name
  • your address
  • details of the issue

Please ensure you complete all the boxes required on the form to help Stansted Airport collect the information it needs to tackle any issues.


What happens next

The data received is reviewed on a quarterly basis by the Highways Working Group of the Stansted Area Transport Forum.

If any clusters of parking are identified which are causing difficulties for local residents, funding is available for the investigation, drawing up, consultation and implementation of either no waiting restrictions or residents' parking schemes.

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