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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Preparing for emergencies

What you can do to make sure you, your family and your business are prepared for an emergency.


- What is an emergency?

- What risks should you plan for?

- Prepare yourself for emergencies

- Prepare your business for emergencies

- Prepare your community for emergencies

- Preparing for emergencies when abroad

- Contact us


This guidance helps people, businesses and communities to identify and prepare for the hazards and threats that may disrupt their lives.

What is an emergency?

An emergency is an event or situation which threatens serious damage to:

  • human welfare
  • the environment

It can also be caused by war or terrorism which threatens serious damage to the security of the United Kingdom.

Emergencies are normally unpredictable and can be caused for example by:

  • severe weather
  • industrial accidents
  • power failure
  • transport incident or accident
  • cyber attack

They can happen suddenly for instance an aircraft crash or can be more gradual like flooding following heavy rain - both equally traumatic and upsetting for those involved.

What risks should you plan for?

Various hazards and threats such as extreme weather and cybercrime could have a big impact on you and your property. They could also affect the services you rely on - such as transport, utilities, communications and financial services.

Uttlesford Emergency Plan

We have an Uttlesford District Emergency Response Plan. This will guide our actions in the event of an emergency.

Prepare yourself for emergencies

These resources help people to quickly prepare for the hazards and threats that may affect them.

Quick and easy preparation:

  • make sure you have suitable insurance, the Association of British Insurers website has useful information on home insurance and flooding insurance
  • think about where you would go and stay - and how you would get there - if an emergency meant that you couldn't stay at home
  • make an emergency plan or a flood plan and discuss it with your family and friends so they know what to do. GOV.UK has an example template
  • read the 'Are you prepared' information from the Essex Resilience Forum
  • put together a 'grab bag' of things to take in an emergency

More advanced preparation for flooding:

Prepare your business for emergencies

These resources enable businesses to identify and prepare for the hazards and threats that may disrupt their operations.

Being more prepared and resilient can give a competitive advantage to your business. The actions you take to make your business resilient will depend on your circumstances and the risks you are comfortable taking. Having assessed these, only you can decide how much time, and possibly money, you want to invest in increasing your resilience. The suggested actions below will get you started, ranging from a free 'print off and fill-in' plan to more specialist training.

Quick and easy preparation:

More advanced preparation:

Uttlesford business continuity toolkit

We have put together a business continuity toolkit that will help you to identify those parts of your organisation that you can't afford to lose - such as information, stock, premises, staff. - and to plan how to maintain these, if an incident occurs.

Prepare your community for emergencies

These resources enable communities to prepare for the hazards and threats that may disrupt their neighbourhoods.

The Preparing for emergencies: guide for communities provides a framework for thinking about why and how you can help your community to be prepared, including:

  • why you should be involved and be prepared
  • what you can do to make it happen in your community
  • what help is available from government to support community preparedness

Local Resilience Forums organise and coordinate the emergency response in your area. You can contact the Essex Resilience Forum to find out, or suggest, how you can prepare your community for emergencies.

There are loads of great 'how-to guides', case studies and toolkits for community flood planning on the National Flood Forum's website.

Preparing for emergencies when abroad

These resources help people to quickly prepare for threats and emergencies that may occur when you are travelling abroad.

Quick and easy preparation:

Contact us

Telephone: 01799 510510

More information on how to contact us and what to do if you need to speak to someone out of our normal open hours.

In the event of an immediate emergency call 999


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