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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Considerations when determining a planning application

What you can and cannot comment on when telling us about a planning application.

When a planning application is available for comment, you can tell us what you think about it. We will take your comments into account when we make a decision about the application.

We also have a statutory obligation and duty to take into account the provisions of the Local Plan and any other material planning considerations.

What you can comment on

We can only take planning issues into account when deciding on a planning application. The type of issues vary depending on the proposal and also the location of the site and its surroundings such as:

  • technical advice (including road safety and traffic)
  • loss of light, overshadowing, overlooking, privacy
  • design and appearance
  • character of the local area
  • case law and previous decisions (both delegated and at appeal)
  • local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
  • government circulars, orders and statutory instruments
  • adequacy of parking/loading/turning areas including access
  • highway/pedestrian safety
  • traffic generation
  • noise and odour
  • loss of trees and landscaping
  • impact on listed buildings and conservation areas
  • archaeology
  • around contamination

This list is not exhaustive.

What you cannot comment on

We can't take some issues into account, such as:

  • private property rights including land/boundary disputes, damage to property and covenants
  • land ownership
  • issues covered under building regulations (structural stability, fire precautions etc.)
  • applicant's morals, motives or past record;
  • effect on property prices
  • the fact that development has already commenced or completed
  • trade objections based on competition
  • loss of a private view
  • unproven health implications
  • inconvenience or other problems caused by building works
  • type of resident

This list is not exhaustive.

Comments we won't accept

We won't take your comment into consideration or publish it if:

  • your comment is anonymous (you haven't given a valid name and address)

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