Local Plan 2005
The Adopted Local Plan 2005 forms part of the statutory development plan for the district. It includes policies for deciding planning applications in Uttlesford.
The current Local Plan was adopted in 2005 and provides the basis for all planning decisions within the district.
Uttlesford Local Plan 2005 (PDF, 766 KB)
Local plan maps
Local Plan maps are arranged in alphabetical order by parish.
Uttlesford Local Plan 2005 inset maps (PDF, 20 MB)
Great Dunmow and Saffron Walden town insets are available as separate maps.
Great Dunmow town inset map (PDF, 2 MB)
Saffron Walden town inset map (PDF, 11 MB)
Key to the maps
A maps proposals key (PDF, 2 MB) explains the symbols and colours used in the maps.
Interactive local plan policies map
You can also look at local plan policies on our constraints map (opens new window). You can search by address or select locations on the map to see what policies apply to them.
Printed copies of the Local Plan 2005 plan can be purchased for £25.
Saved policies
The council made an application in July 2007 to save the policies in the Uttlesford District Local Plan. The Secretary of State's direction in respect of this request was received in December 2007.
All the policies except 2, which relate to completed development sites in Takeley, have been saved.
The Secretary of State's direction and schedule of saved policies (PDF, 356 KB)
Conservation areas
Some changes have been made to conservation areas since the local plan was adopted.
You can view maps of the revised boundaries of the reviewed conservation areas on the conservation area appraisals page.
Neighbourhood plans
A number of 'made' neighbourhood plans have been adopted by the council as part of the statutory development plan. These now sit alongside the Uttlesford Local Plan 2005.
This means that they are now a part of the statutory development plan for Uttlesford. Together with the Local Plan, a made neighbourhood plan will be taken into account when making decisions about planning applications.
The 'made' neighbourhood plans are:
- Ashdon Neighbourhood Plan
- Felsted Neighbourhood Plan
- Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan
- Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan
- Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan
- Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan
- Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan
- Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan
Minerals and waste planning policy
Essex County council has several roles in the planning process in Essex, including as the planning authority for applications relating to minerals, waste.
Minerals and waste planning policy on essex.gov.uk
Supplementary Planning Documents and other planning guidance
Community led planning
Find out about neighbourhood, parish and village plans, read the adopted design statements and how to nominate an asset of community value.