Apply to carry out work to a protected tree
You'll need to apply for permission to work on trees protected by a tree preservation order (TPO), or give us notice of proposed works to trees in a conservation area.
You can either apply for works to trees online via the Planning Portal or by downloading our PDF forms.
Apply for permission to work on protected trees using the Planning Portal.
Using our forms
You can also apply by completing and returning a PDF application form to us. You can refer to the guidance note for help filling in the application.
Application for tree works guidance note (PDF, 134 KB)
Please be aware that your application will be available to the public for comment via our Public Access planning system.
With you application
When you apply you will also need to send us:
- a plan which identifies the tree or trees to which the application relates
- photographs of the tree(s) that are the subject of the application
- details of what you want to do
- information telling us why you want to do the work
- any appropriate evidence describing any structural damage to property or in relation to tree health or safety
After you've applied
If we give you permission to carry out works to a protected tree it will often be subject to certain conditions.
We will usually set a time limit of two years during which time you must complete the works.
The permission will also require you to ensure that the work must conform to the relevant British Standard (BS:3998, 1989 Recommendations for Tree Works). More information about British Standards can be found on the British Standards website.
Carrying out the work
For a list of approved contractors you can contact the Arboricultural Association.