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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Trees, hedges and wildlife

Make an application for works to trees, find out about tree preservation orders, what to do about dead or dangerous trees. Also information about protected hedges and high hedges, wildlife and special verges.

Help to find ancient trees in Uttlesford

We are asking you to find any ancient trees in your neighbourhood and to add the details to the Woodland Trust's online inventory and map.

Across the district we don't know where all our ancient trees are and so we can't protect those facing threats from development.

Adding records of these trees to the national Ancient and Veteran Tree Inventory will mean that the public, planners, developers and ecologists can identify where our most important trees are located.

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Popular in this section

Apply to carry out works to a protected tree

Apply for permission to work on trees protected by a tree preservation order, or give us notice of proposed works to trees in a conservation area

Report an unsafe tree on council land

Report an unsafe tree on land owned by us


Tree preservation orders (TPO)

How to find out if a tree is protected, and when you need permission to work on protected trees

Trees in conservation areas

How to find out if a tree is in a conservation area, and when you'll need to get permission to carry out any works

Dying, dead or dangerous trees

Dead trees can be dangerous but you must still usually notify us before starting any works to protected trees

Trees on council land

How to report a problem with a tree on land owned or managed by us and what to do if its on land owned by someone else

Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees

About ancient woodland, ancient trees or veteran trees on or near a proposed development site and what you need to know when making a planning application

Countryside hedgerows: protection and management

Find out if a hedgerow is protected and what to do if you want to remove or work on countryside hedgerows

High hedges: complaining to the council

What to do to try and resolve a problem with a neighbour's high hedge and how make a formal complaint to us if you need to

Planning and wildlife

If the development has the possibility of affecting the habitat of bats or great crested newts or other species then you may be required to submit an assessment with your planning application

Special verges

Special roadside verges often represent the only uncultivated areas of grassland in an intensively farmed landscape where wild meadow plants may still be found

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