Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy
Our commitment to dealing with acts of fraud is set out in our Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy and policies.
Here is what we are doing.
Develop a counter fraud culture
We aim to operate in a culture where everyone is aware of their responsibilities and won't tolerate fraud. This means that:
- all councillors and staff are expected to act with integrity and lead by example
- senior managers are required to deal swiftly and firmly with those who defraud or attempt to defraud the council
- employees and members of the public can feel confident enough to 'blow the whistle' - report instances or suspicions of fraud and corruption - knowing they will be handled professionally
Preventing and detecting fraud
We have an array of measures and procedures to assist in combating fraud and corruption. It is determined to keep pace with any future developments in preventative and detection techniques and to be able to respond to any future government and CIPFA Counter Fraud Centre incentives for the detection of fraud.
We actively take part in the National Fraud Initiative, a data matching exercise run by the Cabinet Office. Further information on the National Fraud Initiative on GOV.UK.
Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body against other computer records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. This is usually personal information. Computerised data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified. In addition to this the council will use information provided to all council departments in local data matching exercises to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud.
Reducing the risk of fraud
We will make it difficult for people to attempt to defraud the council by putting controls and codes of practice in place. We will seek out perpetrators and professionally and thoroughly investigate all suspicions.
Taking effective action
We will prosecute or take disciplinary action where necessary and seek to recover any losses to the council.
You can find out in detail how we aim to tackle fraud and corruption by reading our policies.
Our policies
We have a number of polices which aim to help us to prevent, detect and prosecute for fraud.
- Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy 2022-24 (PDF, 259 KB)
Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy 2022-2024 Action Plan (PDF) [507KB]
- Fraud Response Plan (PDF, 133 KB)
- Bribery Act Policy (PDF, 178 KB)
- Prevention of money laundering procedures
- Whistleblowing Policy (PDF, 176 KB)
- Gifts and hospitality guidance (HRP 62)
- Council Tax, Business Rates & Local Council Tax Support Counter Fraud Policy (PDF, 310 KB)
- Prosecution policy