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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Health and safety in the home

We are committed to ensuring that all our properties are maintained to a high level of safety for all those who live in them or visit.

We have recently reviewed our repairs and maintenance services, alongside external specialists, assessing what changes are required to ensure we meet the high standard to which all tenants of Uttlesford District Council are entitled.

One of the key areas we have reviewed is how health and safety checks to our homes are managed. This includes making sure all the information that we have about each home is correct and that the right checks are being done, at the right time.

What you need to do

If you live in one of our properties you also have a responsibility to look after your own safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do.

Safety advice

To ensure that you remain safe, we ask that you remember to:

  • regularly check your living area for hazards that may cause you to trip or fall
  • take great care when cooking, remembering never to leave the cooker unattended
  • make sure all your electrical appliances are in good repair and avoid the use of adaptors and extension leads
  • check if there is a fire alarm in your property and make sure you understand and follow the evacuation procedure, including how to sound the alarm

 If you discover a fire, leave the building and call the fire service.

If you find something that you consider to be dangerous, including within the communal areas of the property, report it to us.

Stopcocks and fuse boxes

When dealing with repairs, we often mention items such as stopcocks and fuse boxes. It's useful if you know where these are in your property. This can help us respond quickly when you report an emergency.

Checks you can do

We suggest you remember the following points:

  • Keep floors and floor coverings in good condition
  • Replace all lightbulbs at once and use lights when it is gloomy
  • Keep stairs well lit for your own safety
  • Use non-slip polishes and non-slip mats
  • Use safe household stepladders when you need to
  • Do not put mirrors above fires
  • Keep children away from cookers and turn pan handles away from the front of the cooker
  • Keep all medicines and cleaning materials out of children's reach
  • Keep children away from electrical sockets and use safety covers on sockets when you are not using them
  • Do not leave matches or lighters around where there are young children
  • Make sure that plugs are wired correctly and that the correct fuses are fitted and working
  • Avoid long flexes and replace worn flexes immediately
  • Do not have too many items plugged into one socket
  • Never touch plugs, switches or electrical equipment if you have wet hands
  • Take care if lighting candles
  • Ensure you have suitable fireguards for both open and enclosed fires
  • Ensure you have adequate smoke detectors and check the batteries on a regular basis
  • Remember to fit safety locks on windows and cupboards

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