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Housing Strategy 2021-2026

This strategy sets out our vision for delivering housing, particularly affordable housing in the period 2021-26

The government has set a national target for 300,000 new homes to be built each year to tackle the acute shortage of housing across the country. It aims to end the housing crisis, tackle homelessness, and provide aspiring homeowners with a step onto the housing ladder.

At a local level we are responding to the government's housing target by assessing housing need within the district and then seizing opportunities to meet this demand. This will involve building further upon the existing partnership work in place and forming new partnering arrangements to ensure new developments within Uttlesford are places to be proud of and which thrive as new communities and neighbourhoods or extensions to existing ones.

The strategy

The Housing Strategy 2021-2026 (PDF) [1MB] sets out the main housing related issues and how we plan to deliver our key priorities and objectives in response to the identified issues over the next five years.

This strategy also looks at the national and local context against a backdrop of fundamental change both nationally and locally as well as the added uncertainty surrounding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the timespan for the economy to fully recover from it.


Additional information

Corporate Plan 2023-27

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-2025 (PDF) [580KB]

Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2016-2046 (PDF) [1MB]

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