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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Community led housing resources

Information on grants, advice, financing and legal formats for community groups who want to set up a community led housing scheme.


Grants for community-led housing schemes

Advice and support

Finance for community led housing schemes

- Publications from community led housing organisations

Legal formats for community groups

- Video resources from community led housing organisations


We've put together a list of some of the most useful community-led housing resources, for groups at every stage of the process.

Grants for community housing schemes

You can apply to our Community Housing Fund small grants scheme of up to £2,000 to assist  your community group to deliver affordable housing to meet identified need in your area.

Advice and support

Eastern Community Homes Hub

The Eastern Community Homes Hub has been established to provide you with advice, support and guidance on your community led housing project.

Community Led Homes

Community Led Homes is the new one stop shop for all information and resources on community led housing.

They focus on six forms of community led housing, including:

  • cohousing
  • Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
  • community self-build
  • Development Trusts
  • housing co-operatives
  • self-help housing

Finance for community led housing schemes

Start up and revenue funding

The National Community Land Trust Network lists sources of possible start up and revenue funding.

Pre development Funding

Community Led Housing - Get Funding

The National Community Land Trust Network Cohesive Communities Fund

Capital revenue

Community Led Housing Fund

Private finance

Charity Bank

Ecology Building Society

Triodos Bank

Unity Trust Bank

Big Issue Invest

CAF Venturesome

Publications from community led housing organisations

Community Land Trusts (CLT)

CLT Handbook (free to members)

Winning over your council

Co-operative housing

New Co-operative and Community Led Homes, (2017) CCH. Nic Bliss and Blasé Lambert


The Cohousing Handbook Scotthanson, Chris & Kelly (2005)

Self build

Right to Community Self Build

Community led housing

Eastern Community Homes Hub

Legal formats for community groups

All Community Led Housing Groups must be legally incorporated.

There are four models that you can use:

  • Community Benefit Society, (also known as an Industrial and Provident Society for the Benefit of the Community). Must be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority
  • Community Interest Company Ltd. by Guarantee (CIC). Must be registered with the Company Interest Company Regulator
  • Company Ltd. by Guarantee which is also a registered Charity; Must be registered with Companies House and the Charity Commission
  • Company Ltd. by Guarantee (but only if it has custodian member of the constitution to ensure the asset lock cannot be voted out)

Further information

Community Land Trusts resources

New co-operative and community led homes

Video resources from community led housing organisations

Community land trusts

National CLT Network - how to set up a CLT

High Bickington

Lyveneth CLT

CLT East

Development trusts

Development trusts

Co-operative and mutual housing societies

Confederation of Co-operative Housing


Springhill Cohousing

LILAC Cohousing

Older Women's Cohousing

Community self-build

Self build (as a cooperative)

Canopy housing project

Self-help housing

Self Help Housing

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