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About EPOA

Find out about the Essex Planning Officers Association.

Essex Planning Officers Association (EPOA) icon
For further information about the EPOA please contact the Chair.

Graham Thomas
Head of Planning & Sustainable Development  

Essex County Council
County Hall
CM1 1QH 

Telephone: 03330 13045307


Minutes from EPOA meetings are available on the EPOA minutes page. Information and minutes from the various sub-groups of the EPOA is available via links from the main Essex Planning Officers Association (EPOA) page.

EPOA guidance documents are also available to download from the Essex guidance documents page.

Terms of reference

Letter to MHCLG regarding planning consultations and COVID-19 restrictions

Response to MHCLG on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework - May 2018

The EPOA has made the following strategic response to the MHCLG consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) that was initially introduced in 2012.

Response to the DCLG Changes to Statutory Consultee consultation - January 2015

The EPOA has made the following response to the recent DCLG consultation on further changes to the statutory consultee arrangements for the planning application process.

Response to the recent Defra consultation on 'Delivering Sustainable Drainage Systems' - October 2014

The EPOA has made the following response to the recent Defra consultation on 'Delivering Sustainable Drainage Systems'. This Defra consultation document set out an alternative approach to the one envisaged in Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to deliver effective sustainable drainage systems that will be maintained for the lifetime of the developments they serve. The Government now wished to consult on delivering sustainable drainage systems through changes to the current planning regime.

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