Reporting fraud, bribery and corruption
How to report your concerns about fraud, bribery or corruption and what you can report to us.
We will not tolerate fraud, bribery and corruption against the council. All reports will be investigated.
If you think someone may be misusing a council service, let us know. We will investigate all reports we receive.
Fraud can be:
- giving false information or documents
- failing to disclose information
- not reporting changes in circumstances when there is legal requirement to do so
- abuse of position
How to report fraud
It helps if you share your name and contact details. We can then contact you if we need more information.
You do not have to give your personal details.
Any information you do give will be kept private and confidential.
You can report any concerns or suspicions of fraud either against the council or within council by using our online form.
Other ways
You can contact any of our senior officers or our external auditor if you cannot use the online service.
Senior officer contacts
The Internal Audit Manager
Telephone: 01799 510610
The Monitoring Officer (Nurainatta Katevu)
Telephone: 01799 510500
The Section 151 Officer (Adrian Webb, Strategic Director of Finance, Commercialisation and Corporate Services)
Telephone: 01799 510421
The Chief Executive (Peter Holt)
Telephone: 01799 510400
External auditor contact
The council's external auditor is KPMG.
How to report bribery or corruption
We will actively investigate allegations of bribery or corruption involving anyone acting for or on behalf of the council:
If you suspect a serious case of bribery or corruption, you can report this directly to:
The Internal Audit Manager
Telephone: 01799 510610
The Monitoring Officer
Telephone: 01799 510416