Pre-application discussions
Pre-application discussions can provide you with informal advice on your proposals.
This advice could cover what sort of development may be acceptable on a particular site, the main issues that could be raised with a proposed planning application, and in some cases more detailed discussions about particular schemes. We encourage and welcome the opportunity to provide advice before an application is made.
Why get pre-application advice
- It gives you an opportunity to understand how our policies will be applied to your development
- It can identify at an early stage where there is a need for specialist input, for example, about listed buildings, trees, landscape, noise, transport, contaminated land, ecology or archaeology
- It will assist you in preparing proposals for formal submission which, providing you have taken our advice fully into account, will be handled more quickly and the result will be more likely to be positive
- It may lead to a reduction in time spent by your professional advisors in working up proposals
- It may indicate that a proposal is likely to be unacceptable, saving you the cost of pursuing a formal application
When can you get advice
If you are seeking an opinion on a planning application, you should use the pre-application advice service. If you need a written confirmation that a proposal does, or does not require planning permission please use the Certificate of Lawful Development procedure.
Informal advice
Any advice given by council officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate any formal decision by the council as the Local Planning Authority. Any views or opinions are given in good faith, and to the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. The final decision on any application that you may then make can only be taken after the council has consulted local people, statutory consultees and any other interested parties. The final decision on an application will then be made by senior officers, or by the council's Planning Committee, and will be based on all of the information available at that time. Before undertaking any works.
You should therefore be aware that officers cannot guarantee the final formal decision that will be made on your application(s). Any pre-application advice that has been provided will be carefully considered in reaching a decision or recommendation on an application, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter that position.