Planning appeal - Stansted Airport
Core documents and appeal details for the Stansted Airport Ltd (STAL) application for development at Stansted Airport.
Planning appeal costs
Uttlesford District Council members are to discuss the planning appeal costs due to Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) at an Extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 15 June.
The recommendation is to offer Stansted Airport Limited a payment of £1.4 million in settlement of their costs incurred in defending their planning appeal. The council was ordered to pay the airport's costs on conclusion of that appeal, and this proposed offer is aiming to resolve that matter.
Court challenge to airport planning appeal decisions
Uttlesford District Council sought to judicially review the validity of the Planning Inspectorate's decisions relating to the Stansted Airport expansion plans.
On 1 October 2021 the Honourable Mrs Justice Lang DBE made a decision to reject the council's application for permission to apply for a Planning Statutory Review.
A report setting out the details, options, analysis and the chief executive's recommendation on how to proceed, has been added as an additional item to the Council meeting on 5 October. In order to allow sufficient time for debate on the matter the meeting will be adjourned after the normal business of the meeting has been concluded, and then reconvened on Wednesday 6 October.
We have issued a press release on the decision with further details and information for anyone who wishes to speak at the meeting.
Sealed form N208PC (PDF) [497KB]
Statement of Facts and Grounds (PDF) [11MB]
Claim documents, including policy documents (PDF) [20MB]
List of essential documents in addition to the Statement of Facts and Grounds (PDF) [297KB]
Judicial Review Acknowledgement of Service filed on behalf of Stansted Airport Limited (PDF) [2MB]
Documents to support the summary grounds of defence of Stansted Airport Limited (PDF) [15MB]
Letter, dated 29 July 2021, from North Somerset Council supporting the claim (PDF) [13MB]
Summary grounds in support of the claim on behalf of the Group for Action on Leeds Bradford Airport (PDF) [1MB] (additional details may be found as part of the joint claim with Bristol Airport Action Network Committee Coordinators (PDF) [6MB] )
Summary grounds in support of the claim on behalf of Stop Stansted Expansion
Correspondence following the decision
On 7 June 2021, the Leader of the Council, Cllr John Lodge, wrote to the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, Secretary of State for Housing and to the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport, about the appeal decision.
The inquiry ran from Tuesday 12 January until Friday 12 March 2021.
The panel of inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State has decided that the appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for airfield works.
Appeal decision letter - Appeal Ref: APP/C1570/W/20/3256619 (PDF) [444KB]
Costs decision letter - Appeal Ref: APP/C1570/W/20/3256619 (PDF) [133KB]
Details of the appeal and decision on the Planning Casework Portal.
Full details of the appeal, information about the inquiry and the venue, the programme for the inquiry, core documents and inquiry documents can be found on the dedicated inquiry website.
Stansted Airport Inquiry website
Additional documents: submission on costs
Stansted Airport Limited has made an application for a full award of costs against Uttlesford District Council.
Stansted Airport Limited submission
Stansted Airport Limited's (the appellant) submission on costs (PDF) [263KB]
Uttlesford District Council response
Bundle of documents in support of Uttlesford District Council's response to the appellant's cost application (PDF) [2MB] .
Stansted Airport Limited response
Additional documents: submissions relating to carbon emissions
These submissions are made by the parties at the invitation of the Panel (email dated 23 April 2021) in response to the government's announcement on carbon emissions within the UK's 6th Carbon Budget (6CB, 2033-2037).
Further submissions on behalf of Uttlesford District Council relating to carbon emissions
Further submissions on behalf of Stansted Airport Limited relating to carbon emissions (PDF) [737KB]
Further submissions on behalf of Stop Stansted Expansion relating to carbon emissions (PDF) [393KB]
Additional documents: request that a direction be made by the Secretary of State
Stop Stansted Expansion wrote to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Secretary of State for Transport to request a joint direction be made to determine the appeal. The Secretary of State for Transport replied on 26 May 2021.
Letter to Stop Stansted Expansion from the Secretary of State for Transport
in relation to the request made under section 266 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Proposal: Airfield works comprising two new taxiway links to the existing runway (a Rapid Access Taxiway and a Rapid Exit Taxiway), six additional remote aircraft stands adjacent Yankee taxiway); and three additional aircraft stands (extension of the Echo Apron) to enable combined airfield operations of 274,000 aircraft movements and a throughput of 43 million terminal passengers, in a 12-month calendar period.
You can find full details of the application and all of the associated documents on our planning application system. To find the application, search using the reference UTT/18/0460/FUL
You can find details of this appeal on the Appeals Casework Portal. This appeal has been given the reference APP/C1570/W/20/3256619. To find this case on the portal you will need to enter the seven digit reference number: 3256619
Planning Inspectorate documents
Case Management Conference Summary Note
Statements of Case
Stansted Airport Ltd (STAL)
Stansted Airport Ltd (STAL) Statement of Case part 1 (PDF) [655KB]
Stansted Airport Ltd (STAL) Statement of Case part 2 (PDF) [7MB]
Stansted Airport Ltd (STAL) Statement of Case part 3 (PDF) [4MB]
Stop Stansted Expansion
Stop Stansted Expansion Statement of Case (PDF) [336KB]
Uttlesford District Council
Uttlesford District Council Statement of Case (PDF) [5MB]
Amended Environmental Statement
An Amended Environmental Statement has been issued by Stansted Airport Limited.
Additional information