Planning decision appeals
How to appeal a planning decision, search for an appeal and details of the latest inquiries.
Appeal hearing for land at Parsonage Farm Great Sampford
The appeal hearing for UTT/22/1275/OP, land at Parsonage Farm Great Sampford, that was due to take place on Wednesday 4 October has been cancelled.
Appeal a planning decision
When you can appeal and how to submit your documents by post or online
Find and comment on an appeal
How to comment on an appeal and how to find the case on our planning system or the appeals casework portal
After you have made an appeal
What to do if you disagree with the appeal decision or want to complain about the standard of service provided by the Planning Inspectorate
Planning appeal - Stansted Airport
Council members are to discuss the planning appeal costs due to Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) at an Extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 15 June
Planning appeal - Land To The North Of Cornells Lane
Core documents and appeal details for planning application on land to the north of Cornells Lane, Widdington for the erection of 4 no. detached dwellings and associated works.
Planning appeal - Helena Romanes School
Core documents and appeal details for the outline application at Helena Romanes School.
Planning appeal - Buildings To The Rear Of Mulberry House, Arkesden
Core documents and appeal details for the planning application for the buildings to the rear of Mulberry House, Arkesden.
Planning appeal - Land South Of Bedwell Road
Core documents and appeal details for outline application for Land South Of Bedwell Road.
Planning appeal - Land west of Cutlers Green Lane Thaxted
Core documents and appeal details for the planning application for land west of Cutlers Green Lane, Thaxted